Prevent noise nuisance from a youth hangout

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Noise pollution is one of the biggest social problems in densely populated areas. To monitor and solve noise pollution problems in cities SensorTeam developed a novel automated platform and sound sensor for distributed noise measurements.

In a partnership with the city of Amstelveen we have installed a professional audio system in a hangout at the Zetterij in Amstelveen. We use wireless sensors to measure the sound level (dB) produced around this meeting place to avoid public nuisance.

These sensors are placed in the area around the hangout. Maximum sound levels can be remotely monitored and adjusted from SensorTeam’s cloud platform.

In this smart city project the city of Amstelveen gives substance to the local youth’s wish to play music at their own hangout.

About the technique
SensorTeam’s sound level meter is solar powered and is using low power network (LoRa) communication for realtime cloud monitoring. Measurements are accurate and independent and are displayed on SensorTeam’s cloud dashboard. To visualise the recorded data (sound levels) the varying decibels are represented on a coloured map, using inverse distance weighted technique.

LoRa Sound Sensor

SensorTeam IoT Dashboard

What is the goal of the project?

Prevent noise nuisance from a youth hangout.

What is the result of the project?

SensorTeam'sIoT-sound sensors and cloud platform keeps a close watch on the surrounding areas of the hangout.

To monitor and solve noise pollution in cities, one of the biggest social problems in densely populated areas, SensorTeam developed a novel automated platform and sound sensor for distributed noise measurements.

Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?

SensorTeam and the city of Amstelveen.

What is the next step?

The platform can also be used during noisy festivals or heavy construction works and can even make a soundscape of a city.

What can other cities learn from your project?

Our hardware, knowhow and cloud platform are easily scalable and ready to be used by other cities worldwide.



Hallo Peter, dank voor je bericht. De SoundSensor van SensorTeam meet niet alleen dB(A) en dB(C) maar ook Leq(A) en Leg(C), hiermee kunnen we de gemiddelde geluidsbelasting over een bepaalde periode meten. We kunnen een aantal draadloze geluidssensoren, die met een zonnepaneel worden gevoed en met LoRa communiceren, plaatsen rond de uitgaanspleinen, waarbij het gemeten geluidsniveau - en dus eventuele geluidsoverlast - direct in de cloud kan worden gemonitord. Voor verschillende gemeenten doen wij al dergelijke geluidsmetingen. Het lijkt ons leuk hiermee aan de slag te gaan! Hoe kan ik je bereiken? Mijn email is Hartelijke groet, Gertjan de Vries

Peter van der Lee's picture
Peter van der Lee

Wij proberen in Alkmaar iets dergelijks o te zetten rond de uitgaanspleinen. Kunnen jullie dB(A) en dB(C) meten?
