Aiming to make the city more sustainable, we set out to place solar panels on Metrostation Reigersbos
The rooftop with solarpanels are producing energy for the city since March 2017.
Aiming to make the city more sustainable, we set out to place solar panels on Metrostation Reigersbos
The rooftop with solarpanels are producing energy for the city since March 2017.
The goal of the project is to make the city more sustainable. Eventually all the collective roofs should have solar panels. Invest in a clean city: participate in Zonstation 1 and generate your own energy.
A collective solar panel roof with 315 solar panels will be made on metrostation Reigersbos.
Sun station 1 is an initiative by GVB and Amsterdam Energie (a cooperation).
That the realization of an energyproject on a rooftop of gemeente Amsterdam is very complicated, specially a rooftop of a subwaystation, but that it finally will work.
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Hugo Niesing, directeur van Resourcefully, werd geïnterviewd in het decembernummer 2024 van het gemeentelijk magazine van Amsterdam over innovatieve oplossingen voor de integratie van mobiliteit, energie en netcongestie. Het artikel laat zien hoe projecten zoals de pilot in Sporenburg in het Oostelijk Havengebied bijdragen aan een duurzaam en toekomstbestendig lokaal energiesysteem. Hier werken we met 500 huishoudens om piekuren te verminderen en lokaal opgewekte energie optimaal te benutten.
Lees hier meer over dit inspirerende initiatief via de link.
This free of charge training will be given in Dutch!
Protect your ideas and strengthen your competitive advantage with the basic Intellectual Property Rights training.
What will you learn during the training?
- Introduction to different IP rights: get a clear understanding of the IP rights that protect you.
- Real-life examples of collaboration and ownership: Learn how IP rights work in collaborations.
- Freedom to operate: discover how to preserve room to innovate without legal risks.
- The value of technical details in patent publications: Understand how these details give you an advantage in the market.
When: Monday, 9 December 2024 15.30 - 18.00
Location: Ondernemersplein Almere (cityhal Almere), Stadhuisplein 1, 1315HR Almere
Get up at your feet and join for a summer excursion in Amsterdam-Noord! Although we see more and more solar panels in our streets, as a resident you see very little of the energy transition in the neighbourhood. in Amsterdam, there is already a neighbourhood where the future has started: Buiksloterham in Amsterdam North. Buildings in this area are natural gas-free and almost all of them obtain their energy in a different way.
Be aware that the main language is Dutch!
To make this visible, little glimpses have been placed in the public space. The art objects give virtual glimpses into the devices and installations behind walls and in basements. On the pavement, a 3D painting shows where the district heating network runs, and a viewing tube shows you how full the neighbourhood battery is underground. If you walk past it often enough, you will start to see connections: the weather was really nice today, so the battery is completely full!
During this Waag Open, we'll take a walk alongside different glimpses. All facets of the energy tranisty are covered: we show how deep the boreholes of the thermal storage are and where exactly the heat from the heat network comes from. There is also a focus on solar panels, batteries and heat pumps - of all shapes and sizes! Take a walk with us on Thursday 1 August and you're bound to learn something new about the energy transition!
19:15 - 19:30 | Meetup at Schoonschip (Johan van Hasseltkade 225B, Amsterdam) |
19:30 - 19:45 | Welcome & introduction by Waag |
19:45 - 21:14 | Walk along the objects |
21:15 - 21:30 | Drinks at De Ceuvel |
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