Feedbacks wanted: ChargeOn Bike - Clean Energy Challenge for Amsterdam City

Hello folks,

I have joined What Design Can Do's clean energy challenge, and now is at the concept stage. My product is called ChargeOn Bike: using a dynamo to charge smartphones with clean energy from cycling, and a mobile app to raise awareness about energy transition.

Could you let me know your thoughts on it?
Do you see the need of it as a citizen and what I could improve to fit your needs?

Any feedbacks are very much welcome.


V C's picture

Hello Nancy,

The challenge came to an end. My team stopped at the nomination stage. But I continue working on it as a university research project, and will improve the app's design through lab and field research.
Thanks Jonathan Americo's support. His advice is very useful in the future phase of the project. We would keep that in mind.

Thank you to all your support.

Nancy Zikken's picture
Nancy Zikken

Hi Venus, how are you? How is the challenge doing? And did the feedback from @jonathanamerico help you?

Jonathan Americo's picture
Jonathan Americo

Hi Venus,

I think it's a great product and there's no reason not to use it. Specially if it's for an affordable, reasonable price.
But what I would like to point out is maybe the importance for going a bit further and create derivative products/services, such as gathering anonymous location data (via the companion app) to understand better the behavior of cyclists. This would open to great possibilities with City Governments in enhancing urban mobility.

