Looking for contacts regarding to Energy from Drinking or Surface Water.

Within the innovation project City-Zen, I am doing research on the general lessons that can be learned from the case in which a developed sustainable cooling technology (using cold from drinking water) is implemented at the pharmaceutical company Sanquin. I am looking for people involved in projects concerning energy from drinking/surface water, who could tell me more about such a or a similar implementation process. For example, who could tell me more about the stakeholders involved, their requirements/wishes and their influence. Or who could tell me more about the position of energy from drinking and surface water in the future plans of municipalities/the government?

Main research objective: lower the threshold for companies to implement the smart cooling technology (developed by Waternet, implemented at Sanquin) and contribute to improvement of the environment.
Research question: Which general lessons can be learned from the Sanquin-Waternet case, for other potential customers (companies)?


Jeanke van der Haar's picture
Jeanke van der Haar

@lucbaardman , yes, but technology is not the problem. It's about the business case and that's dependent on many variables as Pien is now investigating. Stakeholders like water companies, recipients of energy and municipalities all want these solutions to work, but at a 'reasonable' cost.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture
Amsterdam Smart City

Pien, are you already in touch with Alliander Duurzame Gebiedsontwikkeling?

Luc Baardman🏃☕️'s picture
Luc Baardman🏃☕️

@jeankevanderhaar , is Engie working on this kind of smart cooling tech?


Thank you for your comment @laurenmacpherson !

Lauren Macpherson's picture
Lauren Macpherson

City-Zen have another project with Amsterdam, using the IJ for cooling

Fukushima nuclear plant is an example of nuclear reactors needing to be build by water for cooling, but the problems that arise from being built on the coast

This company build seawater airconditioning
