Looking for start-ups, techniques, insights and discoveries in urban challenges for the Amsterdam City Event 2017

The Amsterdam City event of 2017 will be held on June 8th.
One part of the program of this event will be the ‘Kennistuin’. This will be a market during lunch time where new start-ups, techniques, insights and new discoveries in urban challenges will be presented. Every party at this market will get one standing table and one banner, all in the same style. Are you working on something the city of Amsterdam should know about and you would like to pitch this at one of these standing tables, please send an e-mail to: a.driesen@amsterdam.nl.
More information:


Nancy Zikken's picture
Nancy Zikken

@annemariezimmerman this might be an interesting opportunity for Amsterdam Health

Maaike Osieck's picture
Maaike Osieck

@andreajoossedelange Could this be interesting for the Amsterdam Economic Board? They focus on Urban challenges!
