How to Get People to Use Contact Tracing Apps

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How to successfully introduce contact tracing apps? Join the discussion!

A****msterdam Smart City - Data Dilemmas event

In smart city projects, technology is almost never the issue. Success is highly depended on whether people will actually need, use and understand technology. This also goes for the contact tracing apps! How important is the app for governments? How does the app help regular contact tracing? How does it put people in the center of technology? How have their contact-tracing apps been effective? What can your countries learn from each other? How important is it that people will use the app? And what strategies do governments have to enthuse people to use them?

A lot of things to discuss!

The Netherlands will soon launch its own contact tracing app to combat COVID-19. The ‘Coronamelder’ (Corona Reporter) is currently being tested in a beta version. In a few weeks time, all Dutch people will be able to use the Coronamelder. The app is said to play an important role in informing people when they have been directly exposed to someone with COVID-19.

Join us during the upcoming Data Dilemmas event on September 3!


Date: 3rd of September 2020

Online event

Language: English

15.50: Digital walk-in

16.00 – 16.05: Introduction by Leonie van den Beuken, program director Amsterdam Smart City

16.05 – 16.45: Presentations + Q&A


- Ivo Jansch, developer of the CoronaMelder app at the Dutch Ministry of Health

- Hilleen Smeets, member of the prevention team at the Municipal Health Service (GGD) Amsterdam.

- Gar Mac Críosta - project manager/lead for the Irish Covid-Tracker-App at the Chief Information Office of Ireland Health Service

- Eivind Arvesen, previous member expert panel evaluating the Norwegian contact tracing app

- Hannes Grasegger - journalist from Switzerland

16.45 – 17.15: Plenary discussion and wrap-up

17.15 – 17.30: Digital drinks

About the Data Dilemmas series

The contact tracing app is an example that shows possibilities of data and new technologies for urban challenges are endless. We use data to make cities safer, cleaner and, for example, more accessible. But what happens to all the data that is collected? Which choices did people make and why? D**o we really need the data in all cases? Which dilemmas can be encountered? Which other considerations play a role? These questions are important for everyone; for governments, residents and companies. Amsterdam Smart City would like to explore with you which decisions are needed for responsible use of data. Data Dilemmas is a collaboration between Amsterdam Smart City and the City of Amsterdam’s Datalab.

