Hannah de Bruijn


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Hannah de Bruijn, Communication at Waag, posted

MakeHealth: Prototyping II

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The second series of MakeHealth: Prototyping starts 22 September 2018 at Makerspace Contact.

Do you have an idea for a care solution that makes everyday life easier? Or have an aid of which you think it could be designed better? Are you a designer, an experiential expert, a healthcare professional, or an informal carer with a great idea for a healthcare solution?

At MakeHealth: Prototyping you'll be working in a team on a concrete question once per week over an seven-week period. This question could be about developing a new solution to a problem or improving an existing tool.

With MakeHealth we want to develop new, open design applications and publish these online. Your solution, including all the design files and instructions will become available on the international platform Careables. That means anyone can reproduce or adapt your solution. So you not only helping your team, but society as a whole will benefit!

Practical information
All meetings of MakeHealth: Prototyping II will take place on Saturday from 10:00 - 14:00 hrs. The next series starts on 22 September. The last meeting will be on 10 November. Participation is free. The prime language will be Dutch, but don't worry, we can easily switch to English when necessary. Register via Eventbrite.

Prior knowledge of digital manufacturing and technology is not required as we'll focus on this during the workshops. However, we do expect you to attend all the workshops, so that your team have enough time to complete their project.

All meetings take place at Makerspace Contact; a location that is fully accessible by wheelchair users. The address is: Contactweg 47, 1014 AN Amsterdam. The location can easily be reached by metro near station Amsterdam Sloterdijk and has parking facilities nearby.

Meeting 1 - 22 September
Introduction to the theme, possible topics, and formation of teams. Each team begins brainstorming ideas about possible solutions. Joint decision on team's direction going forward.

Meeting 2 - 29 September
Research on possible applications, materials, and techniques. Start first designs.

Meeting 3 - 6 October
Developing designs: create drawings or models, choose material and plan for production. Start prototyping.

Meeting 4 - 20 October
Creating prototype. Experiment with materials and manufacturing techniques.

Meeting 5 - 3 November
Finish prototype and documentation.

Exposition - 10 November
Presentation of final prototypes. Looking back on learning moments and tips.

Event on Sep 22nd
Hannah de Bruijn, Communication at Waag, posted

Datafysicalisatie workshop

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Kun je data aanraken? Is informatie over onze leefomgeving of consumptiegedrag op een andere manier inzichtelijk maken? En hoe maak je dit vervolgens 3D tastbaar maken? Tijdens deze workshop gaan we aan de slag met (complexe) data en abstracte informatie en kijken we hoe we deze begrijpelijk en fysiek kunnen maken.

Samen duiken we in de database van de gemeente Amsterdam. Benieuwd naar de hoeveelheid afval per buurt? Of kunnen we gezondheid van bewoners vergelijken? Deelnemers bepalen zelf met welke data ze aan de slag gaan om vervolgens te bedenken hoe dit tastbaar te maken.
Heb jij thuis nog verhuis dozen, grote gekleurde paraplu’s of ander materiaal wat je kan gebruiken in het fysiek presenteren van data? Of heb je een data vraagstuk die je graag tastbaarder zou willen maken? Neem deze vooral mee!

Datafysicalisatie gaat een stap verder dan datavisualisatie, het gaat om het creëren en vormgeven van tastbare representaties van data om zo inzichten te krijgen en kennis te delen. De betekenis van data is niet eenduidig vooraf aanwezig, maar wordt actief geconstrueerd. Tijdens deze avond onderzoeken we welke vragen je moet stellen als je een fysieke, tastbare representatie van data gaat maken. Hoe kan je data ervaren?

19:30 – 20:00 Inloop
20:00 – 20:05 Introduction Critical Makingg
20:05 – 20:20 Introductie datafysicalisatie door Marije Kanis
20:20 – 20:35 Datafysiscalisatie in de praktijk
20:35 – 21:40 Workshop
21:40 – 22:00 Presenteren resultaten en reflectie

Zichtbaar Slimmer
Het project “Zichtbaar slimmer” heeft als doel om praktijkgericht onderzoek te doen naar de potentie van datafysicalisatie – het tastbaar maken van data – als middel om datageletterheid en 21st century skills te stimuleren.

Tegenwoordig wordt data op exponentiële schaal verzameld, gedeeld en gebruikt. Dit leidt echter niet per se en direct tot meer kennis en vaardigheden. Datasystemen zijn immers vaak complex en verborgen. Nieuwe technologische ontwikkelingen, zoals digitale fabricage bieden wel de mogelijkheid om data systemen zichtbaarder en tastbaarder te maken. Middels datafysicalisatie willen wij op zoek gaan naar handvatten die in staat stellen deze ontwikkelingen te omarmen en mede vorm te geven.

De hoofdvraag is: Wat is de potentiele waarde van datafysicalisatie - voor het (basis)onderwijs? Het project is een samenwerking tussen de HvA, St Janschool en Waag en wordt gefinanceerd vanuit de KIEM 21st century skills regeling vanuit NWO/SIA.

Event on Jun 14th
Hannah de Bruijn, Communication at Waag, posted

MakeHealth meetup: personalised healthcare

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‘Open’ design applications in healthcare for and by citizens: how do you personalise designs? Discover the possibilities of digital fabrication for you as a healthcare professional, care giver, or citizen with a care need.

‘One size fits all’ is known in the clothing industry but does it work in healthcare? There are various examples of healthcare tools that are suitable for everyone. In practice, however, it appears that these tools are only really suitable for a small number of people. With the emergence of digital fabrication technology and the accessibility of online knowledge, it is possible for citizens and healthcare professionals to adapt (high-quality) healthcare applications to personal measurements or settings.

During this MakeHealth meetup we discuss how digital fabrication tools can be applied within healthcare. Together we discover the possibilities of parametric design: a form of design in which sizes can be easily adjusted. We discuss the use of hard- and software to make personalised tools with experts. And we show inspiring examples used in practice. Finally we discuss what the impact of this development means for our own situation and professional practice.

Ida Poortinga
Erik Robberts van E-nable NL

About Made4You
In Made4You, citizens, healthcare professionals and makers work together to design and develop personalised care applications. Healthcare has changed radically over the past century. For a growing group of citizens, products and services in healthcare are either too expensive, do not match their needs, or simply do not exist yet. With the advent of better technology, the possibilities for developing digital healthcare applications have increased. With MakeHealth we want to develop new, open design applications and publish them online.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 780298.

Event on Jun 7th
Hannah de Bruijn, Communication at Waag, posted

Gambling with your private data

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Taking a chance with your private data? Might not seem like the best idea at first thought. Still, it is something we encounter every day. With the recent controversies surrounding facebook, personal data and privacy are more relevant than ever..

In April the Black Box Bellagio was organised at Waag in collaboration with Roos Groothuizen, as part of the DECODE project. The Black Box Bellagio is a privacy casino - you don’t bet with your money but use your private data as currency instead. Three classic games could be played this evening: roulette, blackjack and poker. All with a twist involving private data. The Waag looked like a proper casino, with tables to play the games, casino equipment, and neon lights decorating the room. To finish it all off, there was even live music, played by a duo aptly called Data Sinatra.

The privacy casino
The three games part of this casino are all designed to evoke critical thinking about privacy and how we deal with personal data in our everyday life. Chance is manipulated in the roulette game, similar to how insurance companies deal with chance in real life. Boxes are blocked off based on personal identifiers such as age and address, data also used to define insurance policies. At the blackjack table, people take a chance with their facebook likes - losing to the house means having to like a random facebook page. At the poker table, data can be traded for advantages in the game. A randomised wheel decides your fate. It’s a risk, but one that many people were willing to take.

Voluntarily giving up data
What’s interesting is how readily people are prepared to provide their private data to play a game in this casino setting. Many people have become much more aware of their privacy and what happens to their personal data recently. At this casino though, caution is thrown to the wind as participating in the games takes priority over the risk of exposure. Giving up personal data seems to be easier when there’s something to gain. Or perhaps it’s just the fun and relaxed setting that makes it easier to share. In the end it all boils down to one question… how far are you prepared to go to win the game?

Want to take a chance yourself?
On 18 May, Waag will organize another edition of the Black Box Bellagio, now in De Nieuwe Anita. More information about this event can be found here: https://amsterdamsmartcity.com/events/black-box-bellagio-q3jzd5pt

Original link to article;

Hannah de Bruijn, Communication at Waag, posted

Black Box Bellagio

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The Black Box Bellagio - an unusual casino that won't take your money, but is after your freedom, integrity and private data instead. Play with the (un)fairness of expected values and chances, predicted risks, and giving up your identity. Disclaimer: the house always seems to win..

Play and find out which personal data you are willing to share with your fellow players. During the game you will learn to look at your personal data in an alternative way. Do you care about your privacy or about winning the game? How far do you go?

During the evening you can visit the casino between 8 pm - 1 am to play a.o. roulette, poker or blackjack. Be on time to be guaranteed of a spot at the table. Entrance is € 5,- (tickets available at the door at De Nieuwe Anita)

Algorithms, information and uncertainty
It is a well-known fact that Facebook uses algorithms to track our behavior. But what these algorithms do is commonly unknown. This creates an untrustworthy situation towards information provided by these algorithms, think about information on food, technology, news, doctors or banking. Everything is false until proven otherwise.

One of the driving forces behind a gambling game is the uncertain state of 'simultaneously knowing and not-knowing'. With poker players risk their bet by judging the value of their cards over their opponents’ by trying to deduct clues from non factual elements when playing face to face. One tries to read the opponent's behavior and facial expressions, and assess whether they’re bluffing or not.

Proof is ‘found’ in subjective predictions — a mathematical game made human. This subjectivity is surprisingly similar to profiling risks and identities through online algorithms. Think of someone who googles nail polish, who is automatically considered female. Such elements of uncertainty, insecurity and overgeneralization are indispensable for the Black Box Bellagio.

The Black Box Bellagio has been developed by Roos Groothuizen, an Amsterdam-based designer and artist, who cares about digital rights. The Black Box Bellagio has been realized in collaboration with Ymer Marinus.

The Black Box Bellagio is organised as part of the project DECODE. Via the casino DECODE engaged a new group of people to increase awareness of the issues around personal data and data commons.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 732546.

Event on May 18th