Lizann Tjon

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Lizann Tjon, Program Manager Innovation at City of Amsterdam, posted

Podcast about redesigning the mobility system in Amsterdam with Carlo Ratti MIT

And here is the second podcast of the City of Amsterdam with Carlo Ratti. What happens if we envision a redesign of the mobility system?in this second episode Carin ten Hage and Geert Kloppenburg discuss the role of data and autonomous cars with Carlo Ratti (director MIT Senseable City Lab and partner Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute) #Gemeente Amsterdam, CTO Innovatieteam #smartmobility

Listen here the full podcast

Lizann Tjon, Program Manager Innovation at City of Amsterdam, posted

Podcast over het herontwerp van Amsterdam

Hoe richten we de digitale wereld in, en hoe gaan we om met data en samenwerking met private partijen en deelplatforms? Wat is de rol van de gemeente Amsterdam? En wat zou je doen als je een stad compleet nieuw zou inrichten? Hieronder de eerste podcast met Carlo van de Weijer een serie waar we over dit soort vraagstukken nadenken samen met Carin ten Hage en Geert Kloppenburg.

De pizza-economie en over waarom de zelfrijdende auto geen oplossing is voor de schaarse ruimte in de stad

#data #smartmobility #Gemeente Amsterdam #CTOInnovatieteam

Lizann Tjon, Program Manager Innovation at City of Amsterdam, posted

Amsterdam and Uber reach agreements on safety, independent research, and sustainability

The municipality of Amsterdam and Uber have reached agreements on traffic safety, independent research, data sharing and sustainability, and have laid down these agreements in a ‘Social Charter’.

This is the outcome of the Uber Task Force that was formed at the beginning of the year, following a series of accidents in the Amsterdam area involving chauffeurs who had been driving for Uber at that moment.

Alderman Sharon Dijksma: “The rise of courier services like Uber has rapidly changed the taxi market in recent years, and raised concerns about an uneven playing field on the Amsterdam taxi market. The municipality strives to maintain a level playing field, and it regards the agreements that have been made with Uber as an important step in that direction, together with current national and local regulations and the new municipal taxi policy that is currently under development.

I’d like to thank the task force chair Rob van Holten and all the other participants for all their work, their constructive attitude towards these discussions, and the results they have achieved.”

Traffic safety
One of the agreements was that Uber would join the Traffic Safety Coalition (Verkeersveiligheidscoalitie) before the end of the year. The members of this alliance adhere to collective agreements on safe smartphone use in traffic and work together on other measures to make traffic safer. It was also agreed that Uber would take account of traffic safety in developing its financial incentives for loyal chauffeurs.

Uber plans to implement its existing face verification system in Europe in order to prevent the fraudulent use of chauffeur accounts. The company agreed to periodically inform the municipality on the status of the introduction of this technology in the Netherlands. With regard to sustainability, the deal included an agreement that Uber would make at least 750 emission-free vehicles available through the app by 31 December 2020.

Independent research
It was also agreed that Uber would work with an academic institute (to be determined) to launch an independent study into the job satisfaction, earnings, flexibility and working hours of chauffeurs using the Uber app before the end of the year, with recent research by Oxford University into London chauffeurs serving as an example. Uber has undertaken to discuss the design of this study with the municipality, and to make its outcomes public.

Lizann Tjon, Program Manager Innovation at City of Amsterdam, posted

Start Smart Mobility Amsterdam 2019 - 2025

An accessible, liveable and less polluted city: this is what we’d like to achieve for residents, visitors and businesses in Amsterdam today and for future generations.
Smarter and cleaner mobility can help us realise these aims. As a city, we want to offer Amsterdammers, commuters and visitors alternatives to the present forms of mobility, providing a door-to-door solution and contributing to our aims. This includes shared electric transport, from cars to bikes, in ‘Neighbourhood eHubs’ (eBuurthubs) established in cooperation with local residents. That way, we can use clean modes of transport and create more space in the city by sharing. We can then use this extra space to improve liveability.

More info on

Lizann Tjon, Program Manager Innovation at City of Amsterdam, posted

Program Smart Mobility Amsterdam 2019 - 2025

Featured image

An accessible, liveable and less polluted city: this is what we’d like to achieve for residents, visitors and businesses in Amsterdam today and for future generations. Smarter and cleaner mobility can help us realise these aims. As a city, we want to offer Amsterdammers, commuters and visitors alternatives to the present forms of mobility, providing a door-to-door solution and contributing to our aims. This includes shared electric transport, from cars to bikes, in ‘Neighbourhood eHubs’ (eBuurthubs) established in cooperation with local residents. That way, we can use clean modes of transport and create more space in the city by sharing. We can then use this extra space to improve liveability.
More info and link to the program via

Check the report:


To achieve the ambitions, we will start working with two program lines:

1. Data and digitization
This program line helps the municipal organization digital tools and skills to ensure sufficient control in the future be able to rely on mobility in the city and around
improve quality in public spaces. We are working towards a mobility center of the
future. For this we will use the take the following steps:
• A shared basis: building a strong one data position
• A level playing field: frameworks
• Learning by doing: from traffic management to mobility management
• Ready for the future: aware of the consequences of digitization of mobility

2. Innovative mobility solutions

In this program we work together on concrete smart and clean alternatives to transport, so that Amsterdammers and visitors to the city are less dependent on their own car. We do this by setting up projects in certain urban areas and for specific target groups. We also focus on smart city logistics and we explore the possibilities of transport by water and air. Special attention is given to vulnerable groups and Amsterdam residents with a small grant. We improve the range of new affordable mobility concepts and increase demand, we grow into smart mobility city number 1 with a better and accessible mobility system for everyone. For this we will include the following in this program:

• Smart organization of mobility in the city: travelers are working on alternatives to possessing cars and initiating behavioral change.
• Smart fitting and efficient deployment of new mobility solutions: creating space for new concepts in the city and scaling up
• Anticipate on technological innovations: insights into new opportunities and collaborations. The report contains an overview of the various projects started in the previous program that are still running and newly started activities.

Lizann Tjon, Program Manager Innovation at City of Amsterdam, posted

This is what Smart Mobility means to Amsterdam!

Amsterdam is a popular city. More and more people live in, work in or visit the city and we expect that the amount of people will get bigger and bigger. The city of Amsterdam wants the city to stay accessible. The goal of the Action Program Smart Mobility is to improve the safety, accessibility,air quality, quality of life, and attractiveness of Amsterdam, together with companies and knowledge institutes.

Video is in Dutch only (for now)

Amsterdam is onverminderd populair. Vele mensen wonen, werken of bezoeken de stad en de verwachting is dat deze aantallen toenemen. De Gemeente Amsterdam wil dat de stad bereikbaar blijft. Het Actieprogramma Smart Mobility werkt aan de aantrekkelijkheid, bereikbaarheid en leefbaarheid van Amsterdam samen met bedrijven en kennisinstellingen.
