During the EU Green Week, the 3rd Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) City Lab will bring together global thinker urban development experts and city leaders across the globe to issues climate-neutral and socially responsible industrial future.
The event is open to the public and registration is possible via: https://www.intelligentcitieschallenge.eu/events/3rd-icc-city-lab
11:30 – 13:00 Public session 1 – Zero pollution city: Leading the green transition of local businesses
- Anna Athanasopoulou, Head of Unit Proximity, Social Economy and Creative Industries, DG GROW, European Commission
- Tadashi Matsumoto, Head of the Sustainable Development & Global Relations Unit, OECD
- Michael Koh, Executive Fellow, Centre for Liveable Cities - City of Singapore, clean and green environment
- Victor Dimoulis, Scientific Advisor to the Mayor on Waste management and Circular Economy affairs - City of Corfu, industrial waste management
- Geertje Pronk, Researcher and Programme manager at KWR Water Research Institute - City of Mechelen, water management
- Rosa Väisänen, Specialist, City of Espoo, Sustainable Urban Development
ICC Cities’ experts to present initiatives on zero pollution:
- Sharing reflections and work done to overcome pollution at city-level
- Inspire others with ideas on how digital tools can be used to prevent intense pollution, monitor status, or warn citizens of high levels of pollution
- Provide insights into key lessons learned
13:00 – 13:30 Break
13:30 – 15:00 Public session 2 – City of the future: New urban trends for a climate-neutral and socially responsible industrial future
- Dana Eleftheriadou, Head of Cities and Proximity Team, DG GROW, European Commission
- Valentina Superti, Director of Proximity and Tourism, DG GROW, European Commission
- Jan Olbrycht, President of the URBAN Intergroup, European Parliament
- Carlo Ratti, Director, MIT Senseable City Laboratory – ICC advisory board member
- Gesa Ziemer, Head of CityScienceLab, UNITAC Innovation Technology Accelerator Centre, Hamburg – ICC mentor city
- Michela Magas, Chair, Industry Commons Foundation
- Nicolás Rivillas Hincapié, Deputy Manager of Design and Innovation, Urban Development Company (EDU) of Medellín - ICC mentor city
- Daniel Gonzalez-Bootello, Director of Smart City Cluster - ICC advisory board member
Bringing together global thinkers, urban development experts, city leaders from across the globe to showcase how intelligent cities will lead the way to a sustainable, productive, zero-pollution future:
- What will the urban future look like after the Covid-19? How can cities prepare?
- How can cities reconcile population growth and local industrial production with the European Green Deal?
- What can city leaders do to ensure a new City model that is sustainable, resilient, socially just and knowledge intensive?