Demoday: Energy meets Mobility

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Demodays are part of our innovation process and intended to boost the progress of the various innovation projects, put requests for help on the table, share dilemmas and involve others in your projects or challenges. Invitations are sent but we're always open to adding a few new names to the list.

We host them every 8-10 weeks. During Demo days, community members pitch projects and ask for input and in small groups we work on concrete questions that our partners put on the table. We organize workshops with them and other partners to get a step further in the process. All in a very positive, open and cheerful vibe.

This time on the agenda:


Bottlenecks in Smart Energy - Royal Haskoning DHV
Smart energy is more flexibel; use, production and storage can be adjusted according to the need or capacity of the net. To get where we want to be we need to speed thins along. Royalhaskoning DHV presents research that show the bottlenecks.

Introduction Overmorgen - Arcadis
Overmorgen will be part of Arcadis. Both companies will join forces to make even more impact in realizing a sustainable living environment. As Overmorgen also becomes a Amsterdam Smart City partner via Arcadis it’s good to get to know each other.

CODE the streets - AMS Institute
Creating an app that makes cities less busy and saver, that’s wat CODE the Streets is doing. Our region keeps growing and the same goes for our streets, neighbourhood’s and cities so we constantly need to come up with smart ways to organize mobility.

Innovation partner subsidy - City of Amsterdam
To give the region an economic and sustainable transition boost, the city of Amsterdam has extra funds available. A chance for our network to get subsidy for the plans they work on.


• Knowledge platform Smart Energy - MRA bureau
• Smart mobility as a part of region development  - Vervoerregio Amsterdam
• Neighbourhood participation learnings - Pakhuis de Zwijger
•. Improving energy infrastructure for cars at resting areas - Firan

Have a question? Let’s hear it in the comments!


Amsterdam InChange's picture
Amsterdam InChange

Hi Katherine, I'll make sure my collegue reaches out. Cheers, Robin


Can you send me an e-mail too?


would like to join, if possible. Thank you


nice post

Amsterdam InChange's picture
Amsterdam InChange

Hi Marjolein, It starts at 2 and ends around 4:30. My colleague will send you an email with for info. Hope to see you there! Cheers, Robin
