Digital Society Showcase

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It’s that time of the year again! Are you ready for our Online Digital Society Showcase?

In 20 weeks the trainees of Digital Society School worked in multidisciplinary teams on developing a working prototype in collaboration with our project partners. During the showcase the teams will show you the prototypes and explain how they contribute to the Digital Transformation of Society and the Sustainable Development Goals. Of course it’s possible to ask your questions and have conversations with all the teams.

Save the date!

When: Monday June 21st
Whats time: 16:00 - 18.00 CEST
Cost: free

RSVP to secure a spot at our Showcase!


16:00 Welcome
by Zlatina Tsvetkova (Learning Experience Designer) and Marco van Hout (Creative Director)

16:10 Live talkshow “Dear Future, I’m Ready!”
with Interviews and conversations about

  1. Transformational Leadership and how we build capacity for it in Digital Society School
  2. Learning revolution - the vision, stories, and projects behind our track Educational Technology for social change and the new track we are starting in September, Beyond Blended
  3. Social tech and Digital Transformation -the vision,  stories, and projects behind our tracks Digital Twin and Systems for Sharing
  4. World Building -the vision,  stories, and projects behind our track Design Across Cultures and our biggest global event Global Goals Jam
  5. Instruments of changestories about the ways we integrate technology in society with our instruments teams.

17:00 Opening of the EXPO
You can walk around our virtual venue and meet the teams that have worked on these topics for the last 5 months. They will show you their prototypes, tell you about the journey they took to create them and answer your questions.We will also have an open session to continue the conversations on the topics above with a possibility for you as an audience to join the discussion.

18:00 Closing

Meet the partners

Amsterdam Economic Board, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG), City of Amsterdam, Durham University, European Union, Generalitat de Catalunya, INNO-TEC-LAB, Metropool Regio Amsterdam, Municipality of Haarlem, Startup Amsterdam, Streaming Buzz, University of Amsterdam, University of Barcelona, University of Bucharest, University of Ljubljana.

The projects couldn’t be possible without all partners. A big thank you to all. We are very proud for having the chance to work with all of you.

Sustainable Development Goals

With our projects we support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations.


