IoT changing perspectives

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The more smart objects (things) and our surroundings become the more our behavior is anticipated but also influenced. How does IoT change our perspectives?
After an introduction on the increasing complexity and influence of IoT (irt smart cities, AI and cybercrime), Iskander Smit will discuss what it means when things can predict and anticipate our behavior.


Manon den Dunnen's picture
Manon den Dunnen

Ha Adriaan, After an introduction on the increasing complexity and influence of IoT (irt smart cities, AI and cybercrime), Iskander Smit will discuss what it means when things can predict and anticipate our behavior. Hope to see you there! best, Manon

Adriaan van Eck's picture
Adriaan van Eck

Hello girls and boys,

Any program, topics or speakers known already?

Best, Adriaan
