On Oct 27, we will officially launch the Responsible Sensing Lab during an interactive livestream event. This event also marks the opening of the interactive exhibit ‘Senses of Amsterdam’ at NEMO Studio: discover how sensors make Amsterdam a smarter city.
To celebrate this, we would like to invite you to join the interactive livestream of this event. Experts and guests will talk about what responsible sensing means to them, and we will present how the Responsible Sensing Lab wants to help design a better, more democratic, and more responsible digital future city.
Our keynote speaker Anthony Townsend will discuss the current state of Smart Cities through a livestream from the US. Deputy Mayor Touria Meliani will close the program with the official opening of the exhibit.
16.00 Start live stream
16.05 - Welcome
| Thijs Turel | AMS Institute, Program Manager Responsible Digitization
| Coen Bergman | CTO, City of Amsterdam, Innovation Developer Public Tech
16.10 - Keynote: From parasite to symbiant: Redesigning our relationship with urban sensors
| Anthony Townsend, writer and researcher
16.30 - Talkshow: Introduction to Responsible Sensing Lab
| Coen Bergman | CTO Office, City of Amsterdam, Innovation Developer Public Tech
| Thijs Turel | AMS Institute, Program Manager Responsible Digitization
16.45 - Panel Discussion: Influence of Corona on surveillance in Amsterdam
| Beryl Dreijer | CTO Office, City of Amsterdam, Privacy Officer
| Judith Veenkamp | Waag, Head of Smart Citizens Lab
| Prof. dr. Gerd Kortuem | AMS Institute, Principal Investigator & TU Delft, Professor of Internet of Things
Moderator | Aik van Eemeren, CTO Office, City of Amsterdam, Head of Public Tech
17.00 - Interview: why do we need a Responsible Sensing Lab in Amsterdam?
| Deputy Mayor Meliani | responsible for Arts and Culture, and Digital City
Interviewer | Aik van Eemeren, CTO Office, City of Amsterdam, Head of Public Tech
17.10 - Official Opening 'Senses of Amsterdam'
| Deputy Mayor Meliani | responsible for Arts and Culture, and Digital City
17.15 - Closing
More information about the full program & registration here: <https://www.ams-institute.org/events/official-launch-responsible-sensing-lab-opening-exhibit-senses-amsterdam/>