Cities are getting denser. There is more traffic, more pressure on public space. At the same time, our citizens want more green and less pollution. We have to deal with shocks and stresses due to climate changes and we will need to be able to adapt to the disruptive changes of our planet.
Combine Korean and Dutch Knowlegde
Like South Korea, the Netherlands is grabbing the opportunity of 4th generation IT that can provide unique embedded solutions for city challenges that were never possible before. When we combine Korean and Dutch knowledge on for example digitalisation and technologies such as AI and 5G, we can create more resilient innovative ecosystems and business opportunities.
In the last year, both the Dutch and Koreans have worked with persistence on establishing a bilateral Smart Cities collaboration. Momentum has been created to broaden and professionalise the current ecosystem. We are ready to step up and enlarge opportunities for a wider audience.
Presentation ‘Doing Smart Business in Asia, Korean style’
Commissioned by the Netherlands embassy in Seoul, Bas van Beers, Business Strategist on Sustainable Smart Service Innovation, has conducted a sector study to seize concrete smart cities business opportunities in South Korea. At the seminar Van Beers will:
- Present an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, pressing issues and challenges of both Korean and Dutch smart cities developments;
- Share insights in specific smart city subjects, solutions and innovations, business models and opportunities that prove possible and scalable in South-Korea;
- Share insights in the Korean export strategy of smart city development and possibilities for Dutch solutions to become part of this strategy;
- Define next steps, both short term and long term on the needed preconditions to succeed with business development in the local context of both countries.
Let’s start with starting
We all know that global challenges can only be solved together. However, tackling global challenges and intercultural differences in the emerging ecosystem of smart cities will not be without effort. For this reason, we have incorporated an interactive part in the program that will enable sparks between the participants and create new insights. So let’s start with starting. Together and step by step we will create the best cities we can.
Location: Prinses Beatrixlaan 2, The Hague, Room 1 (ground floor)
15:45 Registration
16:00 Opening by Jacobine de Zwaan, Smart Cities advisor at Netherlands Enterprise Agency
16:10 Presentation 'Doing Smart Business in Asia, Korean style' by Bas van Beers, Business Strategist on Sustainable Smart Service Innovation
16:30 Creating ecosystems of innovation: let’s start with starting (interactive session)
17:30 Plenary recap & next steps
17:45 Closing remarks by Robert Dijksterhuis, Head of the Spatial Policy Division, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
18:00 Networking drinks
18:30 End
Please fill in the online registration form to attend this seminar:
More information
For more information about Smart Cities or this seminar please contact Jacobine de Zwaan: