The last couple of months we’ve (together with other SiR pogrammes) worked really hard to create a Manual. This Manual contains tips, tools and insights that come from the collective knowledge of 6 SIR editions in Amsterdam, and 15+ editions in the Netherlands.
It is a step-by-step guide to set-up and run a SIR programme. It is a workbook with “how-to’s” per step, worksheets and insights from previous programmes and contains a library with useful attachments. We want to inspire and motivate others to explore new ways of working, to set up and run a SIR programme or develop and/or expand an existing programme.
We want to invite you to the online launch presentation on Wednesday 25th of November. The first presentation is from 10:30 – 12:00 (Dutch), the second presentation is 13:30 – 15:00 (English). During the presentation we will give more information about the Manual and have plenty of time to answer all of your questions.