Startupbootcamp Amsterdam FastTrack

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This coming Monday (March 21st), Startupbootcamp IoT | Connected Devices will make a stop in Amsterdam as part of its international tour to support the area’s best talent in IoT and hardware. Startups within the Consumer or Industrial IoT space will have the chance to meet Startupbootcamp mentors during a series of 20 minute one-on-one sessions to gain valuable product feedback and learn more about the Startupbootcamp IoT | Connected Devices program.

For those who aren't familiar with the Startupbootcamp IoT | Connected Devices program, it is a three-month accelerator which helps connect ten startups to the very best mentors, investors and partners in the IoT field, such as Cisco, DLL, Premier Farnell/element14, HWTrek and MJ Hudson. Each startup receives €15,000 and works out of the brand new 70,000 sq ft. Cocoon Networks lab in London. Currently open to applicants from across the globe until June 13th, startups selected for the program do not need to permanently relocate to London or be incorporated there. We only expect the startups to spend the three month acceleration period, which begins on September 5th, in London.

