Unpack Impact 2019

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Fundraising can be one of the most challenging activities for an entrepreneur. Hear about the dos and don’ts during Unpack Impact!

Angel investor and Paper on the Rocks:
Paper on the rocks develops notebooks made from construction and agricultural waste! Tamara Straatman (36) is an impact investor who invested in the company Paper on the Rocks. She has also invested in the impact fund PYMWYMIC, recently became a member of TONIIC - an impact investor network - and is building her own impact community in which investors, entrepreneurs, and consumers connect with each other. The founder of Paper on the rocks, Anne Pleun van Eijsden, and the angel investor will share important learnings on the successful business case.

Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF) and HabitSwapp:
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides finance and insurance through the DGGF programme, facilitating development-related trade and investment in over 60 countries. The fund consists of 3 parts: investment, import and export. DDGF funded the launch of the new app Habitswapp. Habitswapp, founded by Ajay Varadharajan, focuses on changing your habits on food to make a positive impact.

Our special keynote speaker is Emilie Goodall of FMO (the Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank). Emilie is manager Development Impact & Sustainability at FMO and addresses big issues such as (gender) inequality and climate change from within a development bank.

13:00 Find your seat
13:30 Keynote by Emilie Goodall (FMO)
14:30 Cases
16:30 Question round
17:00 Amsterdam Impact Ecosystem Drinks with snacks from the Impact the Food Chain accelerator participants!

This event is powered by Impact Hub Amsterdam & Amsterdam Impact (City of Amsterdam)


