Amsterdam's urban dome almost 50 stories high during last summer's heatwave

Happy #worldcitiesday! Although today the weather in Amsterdam is already getting a bit frosty, we'd like to take you back to last summer's heatwave and share the results of our weather balloon research.

World Cities Day recognizes the importance of exchanging knowledge and innovations between cities around the world in order to improve the lives of future generations in the city. The results of this research will contribute to form a new #blueprint to help design #climateresilient cities.

The measurements show that the heat of the city - the so-called #urbandome – still reaches a height of 120 meters at 10 PM. And will be even higher for many cities worldwide.
Launching weather balloons in the city is unique. The last time vertical weather profiles were collected was more than 50 years ago in New York. Back then a helicopter was used for this purpose. The results of this research will contribute to forming a new blueprint to help design #climateresilient cities.

With: Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen Environmental Research and Clever°Franke

