Amsterdam Smart City (ASC) receives many requests from international delegations who are interested in collaborating and exchanging experiences on smart city topics.
We are looking for experts, companies and start-ups in our community who would like to share their knowledge, expertise and services with visiting delegations. Are you interested?
**Amsterdam Smart City (ASC) receives many requests from international delegations who are interested in collaborating and exchanging experiences on smart city topics.
We are looking for experts, companies and start-ups in our community who would like to share their knowledge, expertise and services with visiting delegations.**
If you are interested, please email with the following information:
1. Which delegation you would like to meet with;
2. A short description of your presentation, product, or service;
3. How this information will benefit the visiting delegation.
International delegations requests:
1. South-Korean Trade Mission - 19 February:
This delegation consists of seven SME’s and representatives from governmental agencies supporting innovation and entrepreneurship. They are interested in the Dutch approach to building an innovation ecosystem, how government facilitates collaboration between corporations and SME’s, and best practices related to digitalization, smart city, and other smart industry topics.
2. Honda, Japan — 26 or 27 February:
Four person delegation interested in e-mobility and smart energy; smart grid developments; utilization of data and the overall structure, organization and management of smart city projects.
3. Finland Trade — 5 March:
Roadshow for Finish companies working on the energy transition. Meeting scheduled with Alliander to discuss smart energy/smart-grid projects. There is a possibility for relevant experts and stakeholders to join he exchange.
4. Sofia Investment Agency — 7 & 8 March:
The CEO of Sofia Investment Agency will be visiting along with a delegation of 10 political and business leaders. Their areas of interest are: smart city, digital connectivity & IoT, innovation & startup ecosystem, circular city and creative industries.
5. National Defense College of Thailand — 19 March:
Interest in best practices on triple-helix cooperation and smart grid technologies which can be transferred to Bangkok.
6. Slovakia Delegation of Mobility Experts — 19 March:
This delegation consists of specialists in e-mobility, parking strategy and smart technologies in the Moravian-Silesian Region in Slovakia. They are involved with the EU project RESOLVE and are interested in best practices and innovations related to electric mobility and clean logistics projects from Amsterdam and the Metropolitan Region.
7. CFAI Thyez Applied School (France) — 4 April:
A group of 13 vocational electrical engineering students are interested in a site visit related to smart energy, power supply and/or electrical installations.
8. Leverkusen, Germany Government Officials — 9 or 22 May:
This municipal delegation is interested in best practices regarding electric, smart and sustainable mobility. All presentations and tours must be in German.