After reading about the gatherings concerning "Designing responsible digital cities" that the Amsterdam Economic Board organised, I was interested to dive into the matter of digital work a bit more. The rise of the platform economies, in the likes of Uber, AirBnB and more, shows us that existing public infrastructures are under a lot of pressure. What working conditions apply when it comes to these platforms? How can we secure the rights of crowdsourced workers? Valid questions that are not easily answered.
As a crowdtesting provider, our company Testbirds deals with crowdsourcing testers. In Germany (where our head office is based) we initiated a code of conduct to safeguard a fair collaboration and cooperation between crowdworkers and crowdsourcing providers. Of course, this is not enough, but it is a start to reconsider new forms and relations of work. Read more about it in the guest column I've written for the Amsterdam Economic Board. (In Dutch.)
And of course, your thoughts and considerations on this topic are more than welcome.