TEDxAmsterdam is looking for sustainable entrepreneurs

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Are you a sustainable entrepreneur and would you like to take that next step? TEDxAmsterdam is looking for initiators of disruptive innovations and concrete ideas that fit our planet's future needs; social and/or environmentally. We offer 1-on-1 mentorship, business & storytelling workshops, pitch coaching and presentation design. And the chance to present on a TEDx stage.

Who are our pioneers?

The Impact Program is suitable for people from all walks of life with an ambitious and entrepreneurial nature. It specifically caters to those in need of guidance to jumpstart benevolent solutions within the Amsterdam region. We are not talking about idealistic dreams and utopian fairy tales but rather initiators of disruptive innovations and concrete ideas. We like to call these great minds “Pioneers”.

The criteria

  • All pioneers(s) or team members must be at least 18 years old
  • The pioneer needs to have a concrete, actionable business idea or product
  • A genuine excitement to have a positive impact within Amsterdam and beyond
  • Each pioneer must demonstrate unwavering commitment to work on their business idea
  • Each pioneer must make a commitment to spend around 2 to 3 hours a week at the program; e-learning, online and offline coaching, home work
  • Available in Oct/Nov/Feb for a monthly offsite event
  • The Pioneer is comfortable enough to speak at a TEDx event in English

For the idea to be suitable, you will want to keep in mind about whether you:

  • Found a problem worth solving
  • Have a viable business model (problem/solution fit) for the product/service
  • Have conducted market and competitor research
  • Are fully committed to continue with the startup development
  • Have a proof of concept or Minimum Viable Product in place or working on it
  • Have already some traction

Sign up for the TEDxAmsterdam Impact Program and let us help you bring your idea(s) to life. Apply before October 3rd.

