Foreseeing a future where cars, navigation systems, traffic lights and information signs are connected and automatically working.
Amsterdam Practical Trial

What is the goal of the project?
Amsterdam Practical Trial tests intelligent solutions for traffic congestion. The Amsterdam Practical Trial (PPA) is a large-scale field operational trial putting the newest innovations to the test, both in cars and on the road. Nowhere else in the world is smart technology being applied for traffic management at such a large scale in daily traffic: with real cars and real drivers in the well-travelled Amsterdam region. The aim of this experiment is to test each step in creating a future where cars, navigation systems, traffic lights and information signs are connected and automatically working. As a result, this field test contributes to improved traffic flow, less congestion and a cleaner city.
What is the result of the project?
Amsterdam Practical Trial contributes to improved traffic flow, less congestion and a cleaner city
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
PPA is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Infrastructure and theEnvironment, Rijkswaterstaat, the minicipality of Amsterdam, Province ofNoord-Holland, City Region of Amsterdam, various companies and the DelftUniversity of Technology
What can other cities learn from your project?
Our evaluations and lessons learned are publicised at
What is the status of this project?
Anything you can share?