Buiksloterham- new sanitation raw materials station

What is the goal of the project?
A floating installation which has been incorporated into the open environment of the Buiksloterham transformation area which can reclaim raw materials and energy from the waste water separated at source (black and grey water) from the Buiksloterham & Co (De Alliantie) and Schoonschip (CPO) developments. It is a decentralised installation which is intended to provide optimal closure of the energy and nutrient cycles in the neighbourhood. The GF fraction of the domestic waste can also be processed in this installation and thereby contribute to the municipal objective of 65% separated household waste in Amsterdam in 2020. Decentralised sanitary systems can play an important role in circular Amsterdam with regard to flexible and cost-effective waste water systems, based on the simultaneous valorisation of the waste water flow through the recovery of phosphates and other nutrients, but with biogas also being produced, water purified, etc. Biorefining research and experiments will facilitate the sustainable use of ingredients from biomass. The biomass can be converted into tradeable products and energy. Waternet is starting a pilot in Buiksloterham which uses new sanitation with two separate sewer connections: one for grey and one for black waste water.
What is the result of the project?
Monitoring and data collection to provide an insight into the business case and advice on a possible scenario. In 2020, insight as to whether you would be better off recovering raw materials and energy components locally and the extent to which they can be used locally. Insight into challenges and opportunities relating to managing the system of new sanitation in a large-scale practical situation.
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
Beste teamleden,