CEDaCI – Circular Economy for the Data Center Industry

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The Data Centre Industry has grown rapidly and generates a large volume of e-waste / WEEE. The current infrastructure for dealing with this waste is underdeveloped and consequently, there is a real and urgent need to address this now. CEDaCI will build a Circular Economy for the Data Centre Industry by bringing together stakeholders from all equipment life cycle stages to turn this waste into a useful resource and support the ongoing rapid growth of the DCI.

What is the goal of the project?

The CEDaCI project will build a Circular Economy for the Data Center Industry to increase reclamation and reuse of Critical Raw Materials in the sector, extend product life through equipment reuse and remanufacture, reduce use of virgin materials, waste and environmental impact arising from the growth in redundant equipment and develop a secure and economically viable CRM supply chain for the sector. At present only 10% of CRM from the sector are recycled and recovered but this will increase to 19% and 24% 5 and 10 years after the project ends; reuse of equipment will also increase to 65% and 75% respectively and at end-of-life overall product ‘waste’ will be reduced to 35% and 25%.

What is the result of the project?

The results are the following:
- Extended product life through second use and refurbishment
- Increase dematerialisation through improved Eco Design Guidelines
- Increase WEEE collection, processing and recycling in the EU and adherence to EU regulations
- Create jobs in North West Europe
- Decrease illegal export of sectoral WEEE
- Limit stockpiling of resources overseas
- Ensure the control of NWE DCI materials’ supply chains and manufacture

Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?

A geographically distributed across Europe consortium lies at the heart of the project, bringing their unique set of expertise to build a strong, focused team. The project partners represent the 4 data center markets with:
- London South Bank University (UK – Project coordinator)
- Dialasheep – Consultancy in technology policy (UK)
- Operational Intelligence - Consultancy in data center optimisation (UK)
- Wuppertal Institute for climate, environment and energy (Germany)
- Green IT Amsterdam - Non-profit organisation (Netherlands)
- Aliter Networks - Refurbisher (Netherlands)
- Sims Recycling Solutions – Recycler (Netherlands)
- TEAM2 - Competitiveness cluster (France)
- WeLOOP - Consultancy in ecodesign and Circular Economy (France)
- Terra Nova Development – SME specializing in recycling strategic metals (France)

What is the next step?

Join the CEDaCI Network
- This multi-disciplinary network brings together actors and experts from all life cycle stages and sub-sectors directly and indirectly associated with the Data Centre Industry.
- Network membership will help you to make the best choices to develop and grow your business sustainability, through access to example case studies, business models, and a Decision-Making Tool. You can also connect to CEDaCI project partners and other Network members and identify business opportunities.

CEDaCI Co-Creation Activities in North–West Europe
- CEDaCI Working Group Meetings and Co-creation workshops will enable trans-sectoral learning to advance design, manufacturing, refurbishment, recycling and CRM reclamation processes and build the sectoral network.
You might want to join and share your knowledge and experience in order to contribute to innovative insights towards circularity solutions. For more information, please visit our website.

Join our newsletter
- Do not miss any news & events on the project and join our newsletter on the page below: https://www.cedaci.org/

What can other cities learn from your project?

The adaptation and replication potential of the CEDaCI project will be demonstrated by carrying out integrated pilots for 3 life cycle stages:
- Design – Partners in the UK
- Life extension – Partners in NL
- End-of-life – Partners in FR


