Enhancing cooperation between municipalities to strenghten the position of the MRA in the request for European funding
MRA on Tour
![Featured image](https://api.amsterdamsmartcity.com/img/update/featured-image/c_2375118594_5228_1437898590.png?w=616&h=320&fit=max&s=5b4c4def6fdb8b2d964fa384b03408dc)
What is the goal of the project?
The Metropolitan Region Amsterdam (MRA) wants to increase the chances for European funding and finding relevant knowledge networks and partners in the region. Europe is a complex playing field that demands long-term investments in knowledge and network development. By asking for a small investment from different MRA-municipalities that should eventually result in larger efficiency and return on investment.
What is the result of the project?
The result is to organise vijf MRA on tour meetings in which we are looking for opportunities in Europe. Based on these outcomes we aim to plan follow-up meetings with interesting subjects for knowledge institutions and companies.
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
This cooperation is initiated by the different MRA-muncipalities and the Amsterdam Economic Board