hi there everyone,
I am Maasoome, Master of Urban Planning, from Iran.
I work in an office in a rural area that has just joined the city (located in east north of Iran). Our job is to help the people who are living in this area to improve the social and economic situation of their lives. Unfortunately, we have faced the problem of a lack of funds to improve the economic situation of this area by the government.
Can you give me a solution or a new idea to change this situation?
The population of this range is equal to: 15560
Thanks for your attention
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Dissemination conference of our EU funded project AnthroAction: increasing employability and societal impact of action researchers.

Namla and Univerzita Pardubice Anthropology Department are hosting a one time mini conference next week on the results of our project in Erasmus Plus called AnthroAction: increasing employability and societal impact of action researchers. (https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/projects/search/details/2023-2-NL01-KA210-ADU-000180400)
We have been running the project since March 2024 and just wrapped up our pilot course for graduates of anthropology in Czech Republic and Netherlands; where the graduates learned to combine rapid ethnography and design thinking to tackle a real-world problem, suggested by real NGOs.
The NGOs that contributed to the project were:
-Czech Blind United (https://www.sons.cz/) with the question: how can we attract more younger members to our organisation?
-Junak - Czech Scouts (https://www.skaut.cz/) with the question: what do today’s teenagers want in leadership training?
-De Meevaart Community Centre (https://meevaart.nl/) with the question: how can we start a blue zone in Indische Buurt in Amsterdam?
-The Really Healthy School (https://www.skutecnezdravaskola.cz/) with the question: how can we reach more primary schools with our programme?
The participants in the course were coming from all over Czech Republic, and Amsterdam.
In the conference, we will discuss what happened in the course, how it went, what we can learn from the pilot. Also a number of professors in Anthropology from different parts of Europe (such as Laurens Bakker, Ana-Isabel Afonso), applied anthropologists from Czech Republic (such as Karolina Kania, PhD, Socionaut, z.s.), as well as organisations in our network will share reflections on how what we did here fits into a wider context.
Please register here before January 22nd: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGfI-vtCTk3XdaGpZvlK37y2VKqZqIV1LUfUiJhsD0OqFlxg/viewform
and join the conference at this Zoom link:
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89954251812?pwd=78KpFxVY3rXY682mEbErjDl7woYVnR.1#success
Meeting ID: 899 5425 1812
Password: 514987
Curious about... Taking back society

Power to the people? Jazeker! Actief burgerschap, gemeenschapszin – het is helemaal in. Mensen zijn toe aan verandering en willen een stem hebben in de dingen die belangrijk voor ze zijn. De grote uitdagingen van onze tijd vragen om grote oplossingen en daar willen we onderdeel van zijn. Meer en meer krijgen we dat samen voor elkaar, buiten de gebaande paden, in vernieuwende organisatievormen, of op eigen initiatief – niet langer aan de zijlijn, maar midden in het speelveld. Van samen je eigen droomwoning maken tot het testen van ons collectief vermogen om te delen.
Ontmoet de doeners en makers die de maatschappij terugpakken om de wereld vooruit te helpen. Op 29 januari organiseren A Lab en Vandejong de 5e editie van Curious about... We duiken in nieuwe organisatievormen, nieuwe woonvormen, nieuwe zorgvormen en nieuwe natuur. Er zijn succesverhalen en hobbels op de weg. We ontrafelen hoe geld onze samenleving beïnvloedt, krijgen inzicht en handvatten om onze idealen te verwezenlijken, we leren hoe een initiatief niet wordt overgenomen door kapitaal en hoe niks zorgt voor meer... Bekijk het volledige programma en meld je gratis aan op a-lab.nl.
Let’s talk about speed: Safer vehicles or safer streets?

On December 18, join us for an evening in Amsterdam where we talk about Speed and Safety in cities. Do safer vehicles make us forget the need for safer streets?
Townmaking Institute in collaboration with Gemeente Amsterdam
In conversation with
Carl Honoré: Writer, speaker, broadcaster, advocate of the Slow Movement
Luca Bertolini: Professor of Urban Planning UvA
Onno Kramer: Head Collection Management at Accel
Vehicle speeds, whether cars, trucks, or e-bikes, profoundly affect our experience of cities. What feels too fast or too slow often depends on the place we occupy in traffic: a pedestrian may feel endangered by a motorist’s speed, while the motorist simply wants to reach their destination.
Traditionally, fixed speed limits have been the solution, but these don’t account for the dynamic nature of urban spaces, nor the emergence of new vehicle types. Unsafe streets push people into safer vehicles, but in doing so, we risk neglecting making safer streets.
To create safer, more livable streets, we need to rethink our approach to speed regulation, considering the evolving complexity of urban life.
This event marks the start of our journey towards the Speed Summit in 2025. The conversation opens with Carl Honoré, Luca Bertolini, and Onno Kramer exploring what should come first for liveable cities: safe streets or safe vehicles.
Event Details:
Wednesday, 18th December 2024
At 20:00 hours.
Grote Zaal, Pakhuis de Zwijger,
Piet Heinkade 179,
1019 HC Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Townmaking Podcasts.
Listen to the Townmaking episodes to dive deeper into the ideas that help shape the conversation.
Forus is a startup founded after winning a hackathon for this problem: how can we allocate funds to people who need it? The problem at hand was that there were funds, but people did not know their existence and the process of application and execution was time consuming for all parties (applicants, sponsor and supplier of goods/services). I would like to get in touch to find out if and how we can help you with Condition Based Value Exchange.