Hello Everyone,
my name is Jennifer Kammerer and I'm writing my bachelor thesis about smart cities at the moment. I really like the strategies of the smart city amsterdam and would like to interview the smart city team for some more questions and opinions. The Topic of my thesis is: Wie smart sollten Bürogebäude sein? Immobilienwrtschaftliche Analyse von Smart City Konzepten auf die Entwicklung von Büroimmobilien. (How smart should an office building be? A analysis of smart city concepts on the development of office buildings from a real estate business point of view). I would really appreciate if I get the chance to get an interview. I would like so send the questions written and you can answer them also as a team or in the community. You can of course also use the interview material from the thesis!
I would be very thankful for a feedback! Dank u wel!
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ICC Phase 2: Kick off in Brussels

The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) is one of the European Commission’s largest city support initiatives supporting European cities in their green and digital transitions. ICC delivers knowledge and support services to cities and their local economies to address two major challenges: making the transition to a net-zero economic model, while enabling social inclusion and sustainable development for every EU citizen.
Cities learn how to address these challenges through Local Green Deals: integrated, multi-disciplinary action plans to lead the green and digital transition across sectors from the built environment, urban mobility and renewable energy systems to tourism or small retailers. Cities become members of a vibrant network, gain access to advisory services, innovation and sustainability management techniques, cutting-edge technology and training and get inspiration and advice from peers and mentor cities.
Building on the success of the previous edition of the ICC programme (2020-22) and Digital Cities Challenge (2017-19), the ICC will now enter Phase 2!
Amsterdam as a Mentor City
Like previous years, Amsterdam has been selected to join the support programme as a mentor city. The city will play a leading support role by guiding the 64 core cities as they embark on their two year journey to create impactful strategies and develop innovative solutions that will place the cities at the forefront of the green and digital twin transition through Local Green Deals. A nice compliment, allowing the Amsterdam Region to share their experiences and learnings from setting up Local Green Deal initiatives over the past years.
The Intelligent Cities Challenge Strategy City Lab: Accelerating the Twin Transition (November 2023)
On 23 and 24 November 2023, over 200 people - a mix of Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) core and mentor cities, political leaders and representatives from European institutions gathered for the first time in-person to discuss the status quo of Twin Transition. Through examples and best practices, attendees had the honour to hear from over 30 speakers as they shared insights into collaboration methods, Local Green Deals, climate ambitions, digital transitions and more across the course of 20 sessions.
Amsterdam Smart CIty's Leonie van den Beuken travelled to this gathering in Brussels as one of the representatives of the Amsterdam Region. She summarized her trip as follows:
This EU program helps cities from north to south, east and west to connect, share and learn. A much needed interaction, as we all try to improve the quality of life of our citizens. We all struggle with the ever rising cost of living. And we all want to get our cities to become more sustainable.
None of this comes easy, but we all know that local collaboration plays a key role. Building local coalitions between government, businesses and citizens is one thing, but how do we make sure these so called coalitions of the willing actually become coalitions of the doing?
Some of the learnings we shared from the Amsterdam Region are; the need for political support and the importance of trust and respect.
Local political leadership will inspire and guide society and entrepreneurs to invest and contribute. However, make sure pilotical support doesn’t evolve into political ownership. When that happens, societal parties and businesses tend to step out the coalition.
Take the importance of trust and respect seriously. You need to show long term commitment, take time to create understanding between parties. Take competition between participating SME’s serious and define together how to handle this together. Create a workflow in which smaller parties are allowed to participate less intense but sill feel incorporated.
We'll keep you up to date on our participation in future gatherings and results from ICC Phase 2. Want to know more? Check https://www.intelligentcitieschallenge.eu/
Wanted: Community & communication intern Amsterdam Smart City (Dutch)

Ben je een enthousiaste student die het leuk vindt om teksten te schrijven? Heb je interesse in de regio Amsterdam, technologie of duurzaamheid? En zoek je een stage op het gebied van communicatie en communities? Dan zoeken wij jou!
Amsterdam Smart City is het innovatieplatform dat proactieve bewoners, innovatieve bedrijven, kennisinstellingen en overheden samenbrengt en vorm geeft aan de stad van de toekomst. Samen komen we tot innovatieve oplossingen en maken we betere straten, buurten en steden. Zo zorgen we ervoor dat de Amsterdam Metropoolregio leefbaar blijft voor iedereen. Amsterdam Smart City richt zich op vier thema’s: mobiliteit, de digitale stad, energie en circulaire economie. We werken samen met 20 partners en een internationale community van meer dan 8000 leden. Amsterdam Smart City is een netwerkorganisatie die valt of staat met contact met het netwerk. We brengen mensen op verschillende manieren bij elkaar, o.a. via het platform amsterdamsmartcity.com. Communicatie is één van onze kernactiviteiten, waarbij we jouw hulp nodig hebben!
Wij zijn op zoek naar een community en communicatie stagiair(e)!
Het is mogelijk om al vanaf januari te starten!
Wie ben jij?
Je bent een communicatief sterke student in de richting communicatie / media / marketing / journalistiek met affiniteit voor de thema’s duurzaamheid en/of technologie. Je gelooft in de kracht van teamwork en je enthousiasme en leergierigheid inspireren menigeen. Daarnaast ben je initiatiefrijk en flexibel, kun je zelfstandig werken en makkelijk schakelen. Je kunt overweg met online platforms, vindt het leuk om te schrijven, samen aan de slag te gaan en je netwerk te vergroten. Je vindt het leuk om een community te ondersteunen en te stimuleren tot hoge mate van interactie. Een goede beheersing van de Nederlandse en Engelse taal is een must. Ervaring met Photoshop, Indesign en videobewerking is fijn, maar geen must.
Wat ga je doen tijdens je stage?
- Je bedenkt samen met het team welke (interactieve) content interessant is voor het netwerk. Je vindt haakjes met de actualiteit, komt met creatieve ideeën. Daarnaast ga je op zoek naar relevante content uit de community.
- Je beheert en bewerkt de content geplaatst door de community.
- Je schrijft of, als je het leuk vindt, maakt video’s en plaatst deze op de website.
- Je activeert de Amsterdam Smart City community door contact met de leden te onderhouden.
- Je werkt aan de social media kanalen Twitter en Linkedin en zet deze actief in om onze content verder onder de aandacht te brengen.
Wat bieden wij?
- Een uitdagende meewerkstage op het gebied van communities en communicatie voor minimaal 4 dagen per week. Je kunt een zomerstage doen of in september beginnen.
- We bieden je een fijne werkplek op het Marineterrein in Amsterdam, met een informele en collegiale sfeer en voldoende ruimte. Uiteraard kun je ook vanuit huis werken.
- Jouw eigen inbreng en enthousiasme zijn erg welkom.
- Een stagevergoeding van 350 euro pm bij een 40-urige werkweek.
Vind je dit allemaal goed klinken? Denk je dat deze stageplek goed bij je past? Stuur dan je CV en een korte motivatie naar info@amsterdamsmartcity.com. Voor meer informatie over de functie kun je bellen met Menouschka Plugge via : 06 43 75 26 36. Hopelijk spreken we elkaar snel!
Transition from Smart to Inclusive city

The primary objective of this research project is to enhance an understanding of the concept of inclusion and its criteria in Smart city discourse. The research ambition is applying the result as a tool for benchmarking inclusive smart cities, which can assess and improve them. To apply the result, we aim to work with cities like Amsterdam, The Hauge, and Rotterdam.
Dear Jennifer, I guess you are studying real estate at UvA. Probably next can help you. You will find no buildings that are designed to be smart, as a goal for itself. I feel it is one of Amsterdam's strongest points, that smart is always connected with one or more societal challenges that has to be dealt with
Probably the new Deloitte building in Amsterdam (The Edge) will appear to be the most sustainable building in the world (https://www.duurzaambedrijfsleven.nl/infra/3499/kantoor-deloitte-duurzaamste-ter-wereld). This is partly a consequence of the application of so-called smart technologies. Its BREEAM score is 'outstanding'. So I suggest that you start studying the architectural and other principles that are responsible for this extremely good achievement. It is helpful that the UvA has assisted in the development of these features. Probably your own departments been involved. I do't know exactly which are the requirements of your thesis, but taking into account my own experience, you will have to do a little more. I suggest that you select three other (re)development plans for offices in Amsterdam and ask for interviewing a relevant person. Collect data that enable you to compare the specifications of these buildings with 'the Edge'. As fas as I know the Microsoft building in Amsterdam also has high sustainability ambitions, but you better can chose three 'average' projects. This enables you to compare 'middle-of-the-road' developments with the very best. Good luck with your thesis and your study. Best wishes, Herman