Wastebuild Zero is the conference that brings together the sustainable construction ecosystem to showcase the latest materials, techniques, solutions and innovations that contribute to lower CO2 emissions. It will take place on 11 and 12 May 2023 at the NDSM wharf, in the NDSM Loods. We expect approximately 1500 architects, companies, developers and policy officers, mainly from the UK, the Netherlands and Belgium/Germany.
On the exhibition floor, the Municipality of Amsterdam/Amsterdam Trade & Innovate (AT&I) has a large booth where we offer space for 8-10 startups and scale-ups from the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area to present themselves and get in touch with peers and potential customers.
Do you want to be one of these 8-10 companies? Then you can expect this:
• A dedicated spot with for your company, on the AT&I booth
• Your own screen with HDMI cable for presentations and possibility to showcase your products
• Time slot in the pitch area of our booth to hold a presentation
• Free access to the Wastebuild expo
• Discount tickets for 2 people to the conference (info will follow)
• Meetings with peers and potential clients
• Free coffee, tea and water throughout the day
• Inspiration!
What do we ask of the companies?
• A contribution of 550 euros
• A pitch in English, including slides
• Continuous presence on the stand
• If you have a physical product, samples or mock-ups to showcase
Do you want to join?
Confirm your participation with Nancy Zikken no later than April 7 2023, via n.zikken@amsterdam.nl or 06 28946489. Of course you are more than welcome to ask questions.
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