#Smart grids

Topic within Energy
Suzanne Hansen, Head of Partnerships at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

Last spots available for "Prototype for Change" project. Pitching your digital challenge february 4 and receive a prototype of a new website in june 2025 by talented, datadriven students UvA!

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Do you work on innovative new ideas and are in for a project where talented students develop digital prototypes of websites aiming for Change? Do you want work with students from the most innovative datascience programme of the University of Amsterdam? Please reach out to me and drop me an email at: s.a.hansen@uva.nl or call me.

Students Computational Social Science are tasked with designing a website aimed at driving behavioral change in the contexts of climate change, surveillance, renewable energy, Circular economy or health. The project involves iterative prototyping and testing phases, which include conducting focus groups and experiments to refine users’ experience and impact.

The final deliverables include:

  • A website (in python)
  • A written report, investing divergent stakeholder perspectives and emphasizing effective opportunities for digital interventions

Students will also prepare and deliver a presentation of the study’s major findings to the partner, stakeholders, and their peers.

In 16 weeks from a challenge and idea into a prototype.
The only commitment we ask is your time, for at least 1 hour a week.
Please let us know if you have interesting project ideas!

greetings, Suzanne Hansen, head of partnerships Computational Social Science
M: 06- 482 72 193 | s.a.hansen@uva.nl


De opleiding Computational Social Science, is een innovatieve datascience opleiding van de UvA gericht op de publieke sector. Onze internationale en gepassioneerde studenten werken 2x per jaar, in februari en september in teams aan digitale producten zoals websites, data analyses, infographics en meer.

Wat wij zoeken zijn ambitieuze opdrachtgevers en innovators, die 1 uur per week willen investeren en boeiende challenges kunnen aandragen gericht op gedragsverandering en systeemverandering.

Bel gerust als je meer informatie wilt. Mijn nummer is 06- 482 72 193 en mail is s.a.hansen@uva.nl

Onze studenten werken op de Roeterseiland campus in Adam Oost, waar we voor onze partners ook een fijne werkplek kunnen bieden op de momenten dat zij online of fysiek studenten coachen en inspireren.

Suzanne Hansen's picture #DigitalCity
Noor Veenhoven, Program manager energy & circularity at Amsterdam InChange, posted

Technologies that allow for looking underground without digging

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The ground is full of cables, pipes, and other assets but we don’t always know exactly where they are located. Digging is the most common practice to look for assets, however, this has many negative impacts. It can lead to damage to assets, it costs time and money to dig, and it is often an inconvenience to the direct surroundings.

Therefore, it would be extremely convenient if we could find methods to locate assets without having to dig. We are looking for start-ups, research groups, and knowledge institutions that have developed or can develop a technology that can scan, detect, or sense, underground assets without digging.

Are you the person we are looking for, or do you know the person or organisation we are looking for? Please let us know by sending a message to noor@amsterdamsmartcity.com or leaving a comment below.

Noor Veenhoven's picture #Energy
Kirsten Mallant, MSc. Student at the TU Delft at 75inQ, posted

Please help me research gender inequality in Dutch energy companies!

I would like to know your perception of gender inequality in Dutch energy companies through this 5-minute survey.
Click on the link below to participate:

Important information:

  • This survey is conducted as part of Kirsten Mallant's Master's thesis, a student at <strong>TU Delft</strong>.
  • Duration: approximately <strong>5 minutes</strong>.
  • You may answer in <strong>Dutch or English</strong>.
  • <strong>Every perception</strong>, regardless of gender, is of great value to this research.

Thank you very much in advance!

Kirsten Mallant's picture #Energy
Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Ga mee naar de Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona!

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Is jouw bedrijf actief op het gebied van slimme en duurzame stedelijke ontwikkeling en wil je je activiteiten uitbreiden naar andere landen binnen de Europese Unie? Ga van 13 t/m 16 november 2022 mee naar de Smart City World Expo Congress (SCWEC) in Barcelona.

De jaarlijkse Smart City Expo in Barcelona is dé plek waar corporates, startups, steden en kennissinstellingen die werken aan van klimaatneutrale en slimme steden, elkaar ontmoeten. Dit jaar vindt tegelijkertijd weer het Tomorrow.Mobility congres over plaats. Deze twee zakenbeurzen zijn belangrijke plekken om te netwerken en zaken te doen met internationale steden, bedrijven en investeerders.
Nederlandse partijen, waaronder Amsterdam Smart City, organiseren dit jaar diverse activiteiten.
Ben je geïnteresseerd of van plan om te gaan? Dan zijn er twee goede opties:

1. Er is een handelsmissie van RVO en de 5 grote steden, speciaal voor startups en scale-ups met maatschappelijke uitdagingen in steden, die willen groeien in Europa. We bezoeken de beurs, er komt een businessforum met matchmaking, plus meer informele (inter)nationale bijeenkomsten, er is vooraf een climate impacttraining (om de impact van je innovatieve oplossing op duurzaamheid en klimaatneutraliteit kwantitatief te meten) en we maken de combi met het 100 Climate Neutral Cities programma van de EU. Voor meer informatie en aanmelden: https://english.rvo.nl/news/events/smart-city-expo-world-congress-scwec-2022
2. Past deze missie niet bij jou of bij de fase waarin je bedrijf zich bevindt, maar wil je wel naar de Smart City Expo? Dan is er genoeg te doen! Diverse Nederlandse partijen werken op dit moment aan een (inter)nationaal programma voor Nederlandse bedrijven. Ook hier moet je denken aan een bezoek aan diverse stands, tours door de stad Barcelona en deelname aan het businessforum met workshops voorafgaand aan de Expo. Aan dit programma wordt de komende tijd nog gewerkt. Zodra er nieuws bekend is, deel ik dat.
Ben je hierin geïnteresseerd of heb je vragen? Neem dan contact op met Nancy Zikken, trade developer smart & sustainable cities bij Amsterdam Trade & innovate, via n.zikken@amsterdam.nl. Ik vertel je graag meer en houd je op de hoogte!

Nancy Zikken's picture #CircularCity
Kyaw Nyunt Linn, Sustainability Analyst , posted

Wat weet jij over gedecentraliseerde energiesystemen?

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Ik ben Kyaw Nyunt Linn, momenteel bezig met mijn masterscriptie in MSc. Urban Management and Development (UMD) aan het Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Het doel van dit onderzoek is om de houding ten opzichte van gedecentraliseerde energiesystemen op gemeenschapsniveau te onderzoeken en te begrijpen hoe prosumerisme en vraagrespons kunnen worden gerealiseerd in de energietransitie van Nederland. De resultaten van dit onderzoek kunnen worden gebruikt om beleidsmakers en lokale energie-initiatieven te begeleiden bij het ontwikkelen van hun gemeenschappen en activiteiten met betrekking tot de transitie van hernieuwbare energie op gemeenschapsniveau.

Voor dit onderzoek ben ik op zoek naar mensen die mijn enquête hierover willen invullen.

Het invullen van de enquête duurt ongeveer 7-10 minuten.

Wij verzekeren dat alle verstrekte informatie vertrouwelijk verwerkt wordt en alleen voor academische doeleinden zal worden gebruikt. 

Kyaw Nyunt Linn's picture #Energy
Kyaw Nyunt Linn, Sustainability Analyst , posted

How do you see your future in The Netherlands - using renewable energy in your households?

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I am Kyaw Nyunt Linn, currently working on my masters thesis in MSc. Urban Management and Development (UMD) at the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam.

The aim of this survey is to explore the attitudes towards decentralised energy systems at the community level and understand how prosumerism and demand response can be realised in the energy transition of the Netherlands. The results of this research may be used to guide policy makers and local energy initiatives in developing their communities and activities regarding the transition of renewable energy at the community level.

It will take about 7-10 minutes to fill out the survey.

Kyaw Nyunt Linn's picture #Energy
Francesco Quaglia, Master degree systemic design (Politecnico Torino); degree in architecture (Politecnico Torino) , posted

Systemic design job

Hello everyone, my name is Francesco Quaglia and I recently graduated in system design at the Polytechnic of Turin.
I am looking for a job that will allow me to broaden my experience in the field of sustainable design.
Do you have some opportunities to share?
I enclose my latest projects carried out in the university.
Thanks for your attention, bye bye. :)

Francesco Quaglia's picture #Mobility
Erik Feleus, Digital Strategist & Smart Building Developer at Schiphol, posted

Let's go electric!

As in the rest of the Netherlands, the number of electric cars (EVs) at Schiphol will only increase in the coming years. Whereas Royal Schiphol Group currently has 400 EV charge points, we expect to grow rapidly towards 10,000 charge points over the next few years. We cannot achieve this growth alone. That is why we are looking for a partner who can help us manage this growth with smart technology. Can you help us? Check the link below to the tender on Negometrix

Erik Feleus's picture #Mobility
Roel Bruinsma, posted

Enquête (1min): Internationaliseren als MKB tijdens en na een crisis

Veel MKB-ers willen zich uit de crisis innoveren. Internationaal actief worden is kansrijk en vraagt voorbereiding en energie. Amsterdam Trade and Innovate en PIM Noord-Holland (Programma Investeringsgereed Innovatief MKB Noord-Holland) willen ondernemers helpen dit goed en succesvol aan te pakken. Ben jij een MKB-er in de MRA die actief is op de thema's van smartcity? Vul dan de enquête in zodat ons aanbod goed aansluit bij wat jij nodig hebt. Hou onze media in de gaten, in q1 organiseren we onze eerste event gericht op internationalisering.

Roel Bruinsma's picture #Energy
Petra Guerieri, Sales assistant , posted

Smart City projects in Netherlands/Amsterdam

Hello! I do some research for my company and I have to find out who (companies) are the players in the Smart City market (Netherlands/Amsterdam) who have successfully implemented projects without specializing in just one solution - so here I'm looking who offer complete smart city offers that combine several solutions (e-waste, e- bike, e-mobility, smart bench, smart light, smart parking….)? Thank you!

Aymeric Peronnau-Nyssens, Student , posted

Looking for smart grids or smart buildings internship opportunities

For my master degree in engineering, I am looking for an internship in the smart grids or smart buildings fields. It will start in April 2021 and last 4 to 5 months. My subjects of study are energy (electricity, Heat transfer, renewable energies) and IT (programming, embedded systems, IOT). I want to use my skills to help your community on any project related to energy. I'm particularly interested in programming and IOT.
Currently, I'm working on a smart street light network project. The idea is to design energy efficient street lights that communicate with one another and prevent night time disorders by recording any noise over a given threshold and pushing the data to a supervisor.
Feel free to contact me if you need any further informations.
Warm regards,

Aymeric Peronnau-Nyssens's picture #Energy
Rhea Srivastava, Master's student , posted

Master's thesis: Looking for interviewees involved in Schoonschip project

Greetings everyone, my name is Rhea and i am pursuing my master's in Urban Management and Development.
I am currently writing my thesis on decentralised smart energy systems accelerating neighbourhood circularity (through the case of Schoonschip, Amsterdam), aiming for an integrated result in the energy and circularity transition as well as to fill the gap in literature about neighbourhood circularity.
Consequently, I am looking to interview people who were involved in the Schoonschip project, including experts, project developers, community members, municipality etc. The interview would be focusing on conditions such as technological, economic, institutional, socio-cultural and environmental (depending on the interviewee's background) associated with the development of Schoonschip and its energy systems. Your valuable insights will be fully acknowledged in the final publication.

Kindly contact me if you are willing to contribute to my research or if you know someone who could help me out. I would be grateful! Thanks in advance!

Rhea Srivastava's picture #Energy
Soile Motsakov, Business Development Manager , posted

Looking for a construction company to test our products in Amsterdam

instagrid - we are a start-up with new technology for the world's most advanced battery-driven portable power supply. Our products can replace mobile diesel generators, that are still largely used on construction sites, reducing local emissions to zero and improving the air quality in the city. We would like Amsterdam to be one of the pioneering cities to test and implement this new technology.

Soile Motsakov's picture #Energy
Anuradha Sharma, Management Consultant , posted

Looking for a job opportunity in the areas of smart cities / digital transformation

I am a Smart Cities Consultant, actively looking for opportunities in the areas of Smart Cities, Digital Transformation, Livable Cities, Sustainable Development, Urban Mobility, ICT/ IoT, Strategy Planning, Project Management, Urban Management, Urban Economic Development, Urban Governance, Feasibility Studies, Technical Research, and Development.
I hold a Masters degree from Germany with specialization in Urban Agglomerations. I would be happy to hear from you pointing out at any leads or opportunities.
Thanks in advance,
Kind Regards,

Anuradha Sharma's picture #DigitalCity
William Reed, secondary teacher , posted

USA school teacher: opportunities to learn about Dutch climate mitigation/adaptation strategies Jun28-July7

Hello! I'm hoping (at the very last minute) to connect with some folks who might be interested in sharing their work with me through a brief informal tour or interview while I'm here in the Netherlands for the next 8 or 9 days. I'm here with the help of a small, self directed grant to develop a unit of study for my students in Chicago that will inspire them to better understand climate change as a global issue with which they can engage in creative ways in their local context. I'm interested in more or less any and all work happening around Amsterdam (or Utrecht, where I'll be from July 3-July 5, or Wageningen, July 5- July 7) that relates to the effects of climate change or mitigation/adaptation strategies. This could include any climate relevant public or private work in the electricity, transportation, building, industrial, agricultural, tech, or education sectors. For example, if you are involved with a start up that does circular economy work that reduces emissions, have a perspective to share on regional transportation, know something about zero emission architecture, or work in education and are interested in developing collaborations in terms of sustainability/climate curriculum, I'm interested in hearing from you and (in an ideal world) chatting for 30 minutes or an hour. My students are typically low income, racial minority teenagers who I believe need to be empowered to make the future as much as their economically well off and culturally "mainstream" peers. Most of my students are also soon to be voting eligible citizens of the USA, which seems relevant. Anyway, I appreciate you considering my vague request! I am of course thrilled about the wealth of resources available through Smart City Amsterdam (including the very cool new Amsterdam Innovation Tour app), and I've booked, for example, a standard tour on Friday through architour. But unfortunately my dates of travel did not align with WeMakeTheCity, the ASC Open House is not happening this Friday, and many of the other tour options are out of my price range as an individual traveling on a small grant. Thanks for any and all input. Cheers!

Punit Gandhi, Co-Fouder , posted

Looking for Job opportunities in the field of Sustainable Energy Consultancy

Hello everyone,
I am Punit Gandhi. I am currently looking for job opportunities in the field of Sustainable Energy Consultancy as a high skilled immigrant in the Netherlands.
I have completed my Msc in Sustainable Energy Technology from TU-Delft. After MSc, I have started a company in India and worked in the field of rooftop solar PV installation and consultancy for last three years. Currently I am expanding my horizon towards sustainable building and cities with focus on Energy Transition.
Let me know if you would like to know more about my experience.

Punit Gandhi's picture #Energy