#Smart City Academy

Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

ICC Phase 2: Kick off in Brussels

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The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) is one of the European Commission’s largest city support initiatives supporting European cities in their green and digital transitions. ICC delivers knowledge and support services to cities and their local economies to address two major challenges: making the transition to a net-zero economic model, while enabling social inclusion and sustainable development for every EU citizen.

Cities learn how to address these challenges through Local Green Deals: integrated, multi-disciplinary action plans to lead the green and digital transition across sectors from the built environment, urban mobility and renewable energy systems to tourism or small retailers. Cities become members of a vibrant network, gain access to advisory services, innovation and sustainability management techniques, cutting-edge technology and training and get inspiration and advice from peers and mentor cities.

Building on the success of the previous edition of the ICC programme (2020-22) and Digital Cities Challenge (2017-19), the ICC will now enter Phase 2!

Amsterdam as a Mentor City

Like previous years, Amsterdam has been selected to join the support programme as a mentor city. The city will play a leading support role by guiding the 64 core cities as they embark on their two year journey to create impactful strategies and develop innovative solutions that will place the cities at the forefront of the green and digital twin transition through Local Green Deals. A nice compliment, allowing the Amsterdam Region to share their experiences and learnings from setting up Local Green Deal initiatives over the past years.

The Intelligent Cities Challenge Strategy City Lab: Accelerating the Twin Transition (November 2023)

On 23 and 24 November 2023, over 200 people - a mix of Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) core and mentor cities, political leaders and representatives from European institutions gathered for the first time in-person to discuss the status quo of Twin Transition. Through examples and best practices, attendees had the honour to hear from over 30 speakers as they shared insights into collaboration methods, Local Green Deals, climate ambitions, digital transitions and more across the course of 20 sessions.

Amsterdam Smart CIty's Leonie van den Beuken travelled to this gathering in Brussels as one of the representatives of the Amsterdam Region. She summarized her trip as follows:

This EU program helps cities from north to south, east and west to connect, share and learn. A much needed interaction, as we all try to improve the quality of life of our citizens. We all struggle with the ever rising cost of living. And we all want to get our cities to become more sustainable.

None of this comes easy, but we all know that local collaboration plays a key role. Building local coalitions between government, businesses and citizens is one thing, but how do we make sure these so called coalitions of the willing actually become coalitions of the doing?

Some of the learnings we shared from the Amsterdam Region are; the need for political support and the importance of trust and respect.

  • Local political leadership will inspire and guide society and entrepreneurs to invest and contribute. However, make sure pilotical support doesn’t evolve into political ownership. When that happens, societal parties and businesses tend to step out the coalition.

  • Take the importance of trust and respect seriously. You need to show long term commitment, take time to create understanding between parties. Take competition between participating SME’s serious and define together how to handle this together. Create a workflow in which smaller parties are allowed to participate less intense but sill feel incorporated.

We'll keep you up to date on our participation in future gatherings and results from ICC Phase 2. Want to know more? Check https://www.intelligentcitieschallenge.eu/

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Wanted: Community & communication intern Amsterdam Smart City (Dutch)

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Ben je een enthousiaste student die het leuk vindt om teksten te schrijven? Heb je interesse in de regio Amsterdam, technologie of duurzaamheid? En zoek je een stage op het gebied van communicatie en communities? Dan zoeken wij jou!

Amsterdam Smart City is het innovatieplatform dat proactieve bewoners, innovatieve bedrijven, kennisinstellingen en overheden samenbrengt en vorm geeft aan de stad van de toekomst. Samen komen we tot innovatieve oplossingen en maken we betere straten, buurten en steden. Zo zorgen we ervoor dat de Amsterdam Metropoolregio leefbaar blijft voor iedereen. Amsterdam Smart City richt zich op vier thema’s: mobiliteit, de digitale stad, energie en circulaire economie. We werken samen met 20 partners en een internationale community van meer dan 8000 leden. Amsterdam Smart City is een netwerkorganisatie die valt of staat met contact met het netwerk. We brengen mensen op verschillende manieren bij elkaar, o.a. via het platform amsterdamsmartcity.com. Communicatie is één van onze kernactiviteiten, waarbij we jouw hulp nodig hebben!

Wij zijn op zoek naar een community en communicatie stagiair(e)!
Het is mogelijk om al vanaf januari te starten!

Wie ben jij?
Je bent een communicatief sterke student in de richting communicatie / media / marketing / journalistiek met affiniteit voor de thema’s duurzaamheid en/of technologie. Je gelooft in de kracht van teamwork en je enthousiasme en leergierigheid inspireren menigeen. Daarnaast ben je initiatiefrijk en flexibel, kun je zelfstandig werken en makkelijk schakelen. Je kunt overweg met online platforms, vindt het leuk om te schrijven, samen aan de slag te gaan en je netwerk te vergroten. Je vindt het leuk om een community te ondersteunen en te stimuleren tot hoge mate van interactie. Een goede beheersing van de Nederlandse en Engelse taal is een must. Ervaring met Photoshop, Indesign en videobewerking is fijn, maar geen must.

Wat ga je doen tijdens je stage?

  • Je bedenkt samen met het team welke (interactieve) content interessant is voor het netwerk. Je vindt haakjes met de actualiteit, komt met creatieve ideeën. Daarnaast ga je op zoek naar relevante content uit de community.
  • Je beheert en bewerkt de content geplaatst door de community.
  • Je schrijft of, als je het leuk vindt, maakt video’s en plaatst deze op de website.
  • Je activeert de Amsterdam Smart City community door contact met de leden te onderhouden.
  • Je werkt aan de social media kanalen Twitter en Linkedin en zet deze actief in om onze content verder onder de aandacht te brengen.

Wat bieden wij?

  • Een uitdagende meewerkstage op het gebied van communities en communicatie voor minimaal 4 dagen per week. Je kunt een zomerstage doen of in september beginnen.
  • We bieden je een fijne werkplek op het Marineterrein in Amsterdam, met een informele en collegiale sfeer en voldoende ruimte. Uiteraard kun je ook vanuit huis werken.
  • Jouw eigen inbreng en enthousiasme zijn erg welkom.
  • Een stagevergoeding van 350 euro pm bij een 40-urige werkweek.

Vind je dit allemaal goed klinken? Denk je dat deze stageplek goed bij je past? Stuur dan je CV en een korte motivatie naar info@amsterdamsmartcity.com. Voor meer informatie over de functie kun je bellen met Menouschka Plugge via : 06 43 75 26 36. Hopelijk spreken we elkaar snel!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Anonymous posted

Transition from Smart to Inclusive city

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The primary objective of this research project is to enhance an understanding of the concept of inclusion and its criteria in Smart city discourse. The research ambition is applying the result as a tool for benchmarking inclusive smart cities, which can assess and improve them. To apply the result, we aim to work with cities like Amsterdam, The Hauge, and Rotterdam.

Anonymous posted

Input-Output Modelling for Smart City Development

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While many national and local governments in the world these days are placing their bets on smart city development in countering challenges , few know exactly how to develop them in practice. A high and rising number of publications has appeared addressing the concept of ‘smart city’, but not many address implementation issues. This paper aims at a conceptual understanding of the smart city by describing its various facets and using them to develop an Input-Output model helping policy makers and analysts make reasoned design choices. Using this model allows policy-makers and analysts to further their conceptual understanding of smart cities, envisage design choices they will face during implementation and understand the effects of these choices. Finally, the model and design variables are illustrated by introducing the case of ‘Smart Dubai’. Overall this paper provides an enhanced understanding of the smart city development process which can be used as a support tool for decision making.

Yiwen Shen, MSc. Industrial Designer (TU/e) | UX & Building Services Designer , posted

Personal User Interface for Office Climate

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Hello all,
I am proudly sharing and same time invite you for visiting my exhibition at the Dutch Design Week #ddw20. My Final Master Project is selected as a part of Drivers of Change under the categories of sustainable future hosted by the Technical University of Eindhoven.

My project is a cross-faculty project at the Department of Industrial Design and Building Services Research Group at TU/e. I designed and programmed a smart user interface for a personal cooling system, which not only collects data in real-time for the development of machine learning models, but also creates an easy and intuitive way for users to achieve a comfortable thermal climate. This graduation project scored an 8 as a result.

Thanks to the industry and academia for their recognition and support of my graduation project, with special thanks and respect to my graduation mentor Professor Mr Loe Feijs.

The #ddw2020 shall be online and free of charge!

Yiwen Shen's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Urban and Smart City Professionals Invited to Join Online Smart City Course: Transferring the Amsterdam Approach to the Brazilian Context

Amsterdam Smart City (ASC) and Amsterdam University of Applied Science (AUSA) have teamed up with Insper to develop a course focused on transferring the Amsterdam smart city approach to the Brazilian context. The course is designed to introduce Brazilian urban and smart city professionals to collaborative innovation and governance topics. The course will enable participants to understand the possibilities of technical innovations for the benefit of a liveable city as well as the socio-economic preconditions that make these projects possible. Participants will better understand technological trends, discover opportunities for metropolitan improvements and learn how to organize and scale up smart city projects.

Course Overview:
· Dates & time: Nov 17, Nov 19, Nov 24, Nov 26, Dec 1, Dec 3 from 9:00-11:00 BRT / 13:00-15:00 CET
· Assignment: participants will work on an assignment that will apply the concepts from the course to a Brazilian case study
· Discount: organizations which enrol two employee will benefit from a 50% discount for the second registration

For more information and to apply visit: https://www.insper.edu.br/cursos-online/smart-city-transferring-the-amsterdam-approach-to-the-brazillian-context/

Cornelia Dinca's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Marin Florea, President at ROMANIAN CITY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION, posted

Professionals in local public administration.

The Association of Public Administrators in Romania (AAPRO) was founded in 2010, as a follow-up of a pilot project called“Public Administrator – a success factor for an efficient management at local level” carry out by the Central Unit for the Public Administration Reform (a structure within the Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior Affairs).

AAPRO is commited to form a national, relevant, elite and professional Body of City Managers, who must have a clear image on the background of this career and become responsible for their professional conduct and self-improvement.

The initiative to introduce the Public Administrator position at each local level in Romania targets an higher lever of professionalism at counties, municipalities, cities and communes staff.

The romanian equivalent of the city manager can be hired upon the Mayor’s proposal or the one of the local council (wich must give the final aproval anyway), after a transparent selection process.

His main responsibilities are to coordinate some of the public administration affairs and services (on an agreed agenda) and to do other specific tasks delegated by the Mayor / President of County Council, all of these concluded in a management contract, based on clear management objectives and performance criteria.

The City Manager is one common thing among the efficient and successful local governments
all over the world. Adopting him in the romanian administration was a step from public adminsitration to public management, focusing on delivery good qaulity services for the citizens.

The Public Administrator, as we call it here, is not another birocrat, but a strategist, a visonary, balancing day-to-day (organizational) problem solving with planning and shaping the future, acording to the adopted local strategy and the community aspirations.

At the local level, the elected body and the technical staff, coordinated by the Mayor or the President of County Council and the Public Administrator, must first find aut and understand what people want, need and hope, then come up with a strategy, an action plan, seek for solutions, means and resources, involve the local actors such as bussines community and civil society, and communicate at any moment what has been done so far, and what is is comming.

In this picture, the Public Administrator has a leading role, he is an communicator, technology facilitator, and can be, if the Mayor delegates him, even budget chief authorizing officer.

Since 2013, the Association of City Managers in Romania, is a member of ICMA (International City / County Management Association), the most important and strong association internationally in terms of management in local public administration.

In 2019, the Association of City Managers in Romania hosted the most important event, the International Regional Conference ICMA, an event attended by over 220 representatives from 15 countries around the world.

Currently, in Romania activate more than 450 Public Administrators (the number varies from month to monyh), as follows :
- out of 41 counties, 26 ocupied positions and 7 vacancies
- out of 103 municipies, 40 ocupied positions and 37 vacancies
- out of 216 cities, 54 ocupied positions and 65 vacancies
- out of 2850 communes, 340 ocupied positions and 350 vacancies

Those above figures makes 459 vacancies in total, with the observation that, in many cases, we are talking about small comunes with scarce budgets.

The Romanian City Managers Association (AAPRO) conducted a survey among its members that identified the needs for training, building local capacities on climate protection, urban regeneration, structural changes and energy policies, concept of smart city and creatively intelligent communities.

Establishing appropriate training structures for the now and future City Managers is essential for supporting the development of the cities and climate strategies (it aims to encourage cities and municipalities to take concrete actions for climate protection in Romania), urban regeneration and structural changes, concept of smart city and creatively intelligent communities.

This project focuses on the competences that the city managers must have in order to achieve a multiplication effect through their contribution.
The nationwide implementation of a systematic local energy management using the City Managers can thus make an important step to tapp existing saving potentials in different regions and to establish a sustainable portfolio management.

We hope that, with your support, that the outcomes of this important project, can be forwarded on an extended scale to the local institutions (schools, hospitals, etc) and communities, as good practices, improving the energy efficiency status and reducing the energy poverty, urban regeneration and structural changes, concept of smart city and creatively intelligent communities.

The pilot group will be composed of 50 to 80 city managers upon their self enrollment and applying few clear selection parameters : level of municipality, experience, english language, etc.
The target group will be afterward authorized to further train other city managers and employees of the local municipalities. This core team is expected to disseminate the information and to act as an experts group in our Association.

As Romania has (at this moment) a deficit of at least 250 city managers, the learning and workshops center will be powerful tool, a public management academy and a testing facility for the ones applying for this position.

Marin Florea's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

Amsterdam and Helsinki launch AI registers to detail city systems

The cities of Helsinki and Amsterdam have worked together to each launch a first-of-its-kind Artificial Intelligence Register.

“Together with the city of Helsinki, we are on a mission to create as much understanding about algorithms as possible and be transparent about the way we – as cities – use them,” commented Touria Meliani, Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam (Digital City).

Folkert Leffring's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted

Website launched for research in Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

Sharing knowledge has become a lot easier. Research, knowledge and innovation about Amsterdam and the Metropolitan Area are now collected and shared on the website openresearch.amsterdam. Here you can find knowledge you need to bring projects a step further and share your own research.

A lot of research is being done in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Researchers, officials and designers work to understand complex problems. Problems that contain all kinds of themes and disciplines that are important for the smart, green and healthy future of the region. There is already a lot of collaboration, but many organizations are still working on research on the same topics, while they don't know each other. That is why there is OpenResearch - to share research and knowledge and to make connections visible.

Amsterdam Smart City uses OpenResearch to communicate the research we did in the past and bring knowledge about the themes we work on. You can also find all our publications on the platform.

The platform was developed by the Chief Science Office of Amsterdam, together with the knowledge institutions, the Amsterdam Economic Board and other parties from the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area under the City Deal Knowledge Making. The site is still under development.

Nancy Zikken's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Anonymous posted

Data Strategies Masterclass Series Webinar 1: Unlock your Data

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How will your company emerge from this crisis?

Times are different – both your customers and suppliers are re-balancing. Do you know how to adapt and keep them on board? Tapping into the ‘outside in’ perspective is essential to position yourself for the ‘next normal’.

Data provides a strong insight into what has happened and is an invaluable asset looking forward. To use your company data to its best, valuating what you have and what you are missing is essential. Sharing data with clients and suppliers to lock them in is a good start to become more data empowered. Learn about strategies to identify and unlock the value inside and outside your company, then create your own growth plan!

How will your company emerge from this crisis?

Times are different – both your customers and suppliers are re-balancing. Do you know how to adapt and keep them on board? Tapping into the ‘outside in’ perspective is essential to position yourself for the ‘next normal’.

Data provides a strong insight into what has happened and is an invaluable asset looking forward. To use your company data to its best, valuating what you have and what you are missing is essential. Sharing data with clients and suppliers to lock them in is a good start to become more data empowered. Learn about strategies to identify and unlock the value inside and outside your company, then create your own growth plan!

Your challenges

  • The world is quite uncertain right now and data is free flowing but information is unclear and often confusing.
  • You are missing out on the value of your own data – this is an opportunity cost for your organization.

Your take-aways

  • Assess what data you have, what data you share with customers and partners and what you would like to have. Knowing this you can further tap into your potential.
  • Understand your data and design a growth scenario where you lock in customers and make partners sticky.

What to expect

Learn to look differently at your data and utilize it to build your own organizational data strategy. Focus, especially during ‘crisis’ is important. How can you use both internal and external data to become closer to your customers, partners and the market?

  • Learn through structure and practical processes.
  • Get energized by case studies of companies who transformed and gained tremendous value.
  • Join an interactive session with exercises to start uncovering your data value.
  • Take home effective ideas that will change your data strategy. With a new mindset and practical examples, it will accelerate your journey towards treating data as an Asset.
  • Do not miss the great chance to join a break-out group with like-minded people to discuss your specific possibilities and opportunities on a joined learning platform.

This inspiring series on your data strategies is organized by Cumulus Park and Data to Dollars.

Our aim is to help you to gain deeper understanding of strategic data opportunities and to further your data journey. This webinar if part of the Data Strategies Masterclass Series.

The next webinars will be:

  • Webinar 2: 30 June 2020 15.30 - 17.00 hrs.
    Tapping into Data Value – The Data Maturity Model
  • Webinar 3: 15 July 2020 15.30 - 17.00 hrs.
    Creating your own Innovation Loop with your Customers & Supply Chain

Who should attend

People from all industries that are interested in data and have the following function:

  • C-level business professionals
  • CEO/Owner
  • Head of Strategy / Business Development / Commercial

Target Industries include, but not limited to:

  • Data
  • Recruitment
  • Retail
  • Food Retail
  • Wholesale & Distribution
  • Transport & Services
  • Consumer Goods
  • News
  • Shared Services
  • Banks & Insurance
  • Investment
  • Services


15:30 - 15:50 Introduction
15:50 - 16:15 Activation
16:15 - 17:00 Plenary discussion
17:00 Closing & end

Online event on Jun 17th
Sonwabo Koti, kotisonwabo319@gmail.com , posted

Search for information around smart cities

I'm an MBA student in South Africa, in the last State Of Nation address President Ramaphosa announced development of smart city. Now I want to do treastise on the subject the topic that is on my mind is "smart city impact on citizens" I stand to be correct if I'm bit outside. Its what I think at the moment, I need articles and websites.

Sonwabo Koti's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

The digital lessons from COVID-19

Bas Boorsma explores what can we learn from the accelerated digital transition triggered by COVID-19.

Folkert Leffring's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Manuela Krull-Mancinelli, Digital Transformation & Innovation Manager , posted

How to increase the visibility of your Startup?

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Setting up a company is an administrative action. But how to get the right attention? Is uploading pictures on social media enough?
In this Meetup we will learn from a Marketing and Communication Strategist, Digital Growth & Venture Building expert and Publicity Coach & PR Strategist how to get full attention and find the right clients for your products.
As always including interactive sessions. In this Meetup all three experts have an interactive part for you, so prepare your questions!
REGISTER VIA MEETUP https://www.meetup.com/Smart-Community/events/268649499/

Manuela Krull-Mancinelli's picture Event on Mar 19th
Mirko van Vliet, strategy at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Living Labs #3: het potentieel van de samenleving benutten

Wat betekenen Livings Labs voor de Metropool Amsterdam? De komende weken geven we een podium aan diverse Living Labs binnen de regio. In deel 3 spreken we met Nora van der Linden, directeur van Kennisland. “Als we problemen willen oplossen moeten we de mensen waarover het gaat bij die oplossing betrekken.”

Lees verder op Board Insights.

Mirko van Vliet's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Mirko van Vliet, strategy at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Living Labs #2: goed testen in de stad versnelt uitrol innovaties

Wat betekenen Livings Labs voor de Metropool Amsterdam? De komende weken geven we een podium aan diverse Living Labs binnen de regio. In deel 2 van deze serie spreken we met Leendert Verhoef, programmaleider Living Labs, van AMS Institute – het Amsterdamse kennisinstituut voor grootstedelijke vraagstukken – over de kracht van Living Labs en de aanpak van het AMS institute.

Lees verder op Insights.

Mirko van Vliet's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Ngrane Academy, posted

Understanding how digital platforms work (Up-to-speed briefings)

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Understanding how digital platforms work and change the competitive landscape

About this Event

Understanding how digital platforms work (Up-to-speed briefings)

We bring you up to speed with digital platform business models. What is the essence of a digital platform and when does it make sense from a business perspective? How do you get a platform off the ground? Which type of pricing strategy is appropriate?

In a small-scale executive session of 4 hours, we will discuss:

what makes platforms different from traditional firms;
how platforms make money;
why they tend to grow very fast;
how platforms compete;
why platforms exist.
Join our digital strategists Nicolai van Gorp and Paul de Bijl for a solid basis in business models of digital platforms. Nicolai and Paul are experienced executive teachers (tailor-made programs; executive course at the National Academy for Finance and Economics; Executive MBA in Business & IT at Nyenrode Business University). They work with companies and public organizations to help them develop digital business models.


12.15: arrival

12.30: sandwiches and getting acquainted

13.00: introduction

13.15: business models of digital platforms

13.45: growing a platform business

14.15: pricing and revenue generation

14.45: break and room for informal conversations/questions

15.15: nature of competition between digital platforms

15.45: the essence of platforms

16.15: step-wise approach to apply the theory

16.45: wrap-up

17.00: end, followed by informal drinks

Registration is required, with a maximum of 20 to 25 participants.

Investment € 350,- (including lunch, VAT excluded).

Be one of the first 10 to signup for our up-to-speed briefings and get one extra free seat at the value of €350,-.

Ngrane Academy's picture Event on Feb 13th
Mirko van Vliet, strategy at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Wat betekenen Livings Labs voor de Metropool Amsterdam?

In februari geven we met Board Insights een podium aan diverse Living Labs binnen de regio.

In deel 1 spreken we met Chandar van der Zande, die nauw betrokken was bij De Ceuvel. Één van de meest duurzame en vernieuwende experimenten in Europa.

“De Ceuvel 2.0 was het meest innovatieve stukje van Amsterdam, 3.0 moet dat ook weer worden. Alleen dan groter en beter. En dat is hard nodig want we hebben nog maar tien jaar om de oplossingen voor een nieuwe economie te bedenken, te toetsen en op te schalen om de klimaatcrisis het hoofd te bieden.”

Mirko van Vliet's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Innomics Go!-NH, GO!-NH at Province of Noord-Holland, posted

Introduction meeting GO!-NH Accelerator Sustainable Innovation 2020

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Introduction meeting GO!-NH Accelerator Sustainable Innovation 2020

With the help of these introduction meetings, you will get to experience the program and learn from participating teams about what the previous programs brought them.

February 10th 2020 - IDEA, Alkmaar - 15:30 - 18:00
Apply through Eventbrite: https://gonh2020-11feb.eventbrite.nl

The GO!-NH Accelerator puts SMEs and start-ups on the fast track to development. New ways of thinking, new skills and new partners are a must. This programme is all about circular economy, targeting sta-ups, innovative SMEs, large organisations and institutions. GO!-NH brings together all the relevant parties to activate, connect and develop this sustainable innovation ecosystem.

In a three-month programme you’ll go from concept to a business offering innovative solutions that’s ready to take the market by storm. Training sessions, tools and professional support from expert practitioners will help you in developing your business in a sheltered environment. The progress you make during these few months would normally take a full year. GO!-NH is a joint venture of the province of North Holland and Innomics.

The Accelerator program enables startups, innovative SMEs and innovation teams from large organizations to convert ideas into new business models in a short time and to accelerate customer and product development in order to shorten the time to market. You develop your business with training, tools and professional support from experts.


Event on Feb 11th
Innomics Go!-NH, GO!-NH at Province of Noord-Holland, posted

Introduction meeting GO!-NH Accelerator Sustainable Innovation 2020

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Introduction meeting GO!-NH Accelerator Sustainable Innovation 2020

The GO!-NH Accelerator puts SMEs and start-ups on the fast track to development. New ways of thinking, new skills and new partners are a must. In a three-month programme you’ll go from concept to a business offering innovative solutions that’s ready to take the market by storm. Interested?
With the help of these introduction meetings, you will get to experience the program and learn from participating teams about what the previous programs brought them.

February 10th 2020 - IDEA, Alkmaar - 15:30 - 18:00
Apply through Eventbrite: https://gonh2020-10feb.eventbrite.nl

The GO!-NH Accelerator puts SMEs and start-ups on the fast track to development. New ways of thinking, new skills and new partners are a must. This programme is all about circular economy, targeting sta-ups, innovative SMEs, large organisations and institutions. GO!-NH brings together all the relevant parties to activate, connect and develop this sustainable innovation ecosystem.

In a three-month programme you’ll go from concept to a business offering innovative solutions that’s ready to take the market by storm. Training sessions, tools and professional support from expert practitioners will help you in developing your business in a sheltered environment. The progress you make during these few months would normally take a full year. GO!-NH is a joint venture of the province of North Holland and Innomics.

The Accelerator program enables startups, innovative SMEs and innovation teams from large organizations to convert ideas into new business models in a short time and to accelerate customer and product development in order to shorten the time to market. You develop your business with training, tools and professional support from experts.


Event on Feb 10th
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

Cyber attacks: it is not a matter of if but when, says New Orleans’ CIO

Las Vegas was hit by a cyber attack on 7 January which followed an earlier attack in New Orleans, with the city declaring a state of emergency on 13 December. The threat of cyber attacks is growing as cities digitalise their services and use datasets to provide more efficient delivery to citizens.

Folkert Leffring's picture #SmartCityAcademy