ASC Demoday Digital City x Energy

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Demodays are part of our innovation process and intended to boost the progress of the various innovation projects, put requests for help on the table, share dilemmas and involve others in your projects or challenges. We host them every 8-10 weeks.

Invitations are sent but we're always open to adding a few new names to the list. The event is in Dutch.

During Demo days, community members pitch projects and ask for input. In small groups we work on concrete questions. We organize workshops with our partners to get a step further in the process. All in a very positive, open and cheerful vibe.

This time on the agenda:


Originating from the Amsterdam Smart City network, the Zoncoalitie (Solar Coalition) exists for 6 years now. The Zoncoalitie, an association of providers, wants to ensure that every large roof in the Netherlands is used for generating solar energy. Where are they currently working on and what can they do for our network?

LEAP – Amsterdam Economic Board
The goal of LEAP is to accelerate the transition to a sustainable digital infrastructure, using existing and new technologies that contribute to energy efficiency. Essential are integration into the energy system and landscape and the use of circular materials. Here’s an update and news about upcoming events.

Smart City Expo Barcelona – RVO
Between 16 and 18 November there will be another Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona. This year the event will be hybrid. The Netherlands is going on a trade mission with a small group of companies and governments to Barcelona. What are the plans?


Energy poverty and the role of data – MRA Bureau & TNO
The MRA Bureau is involved in an EU initiative that tries to get a better grip on the problem of energy poverty. The data shows who is vulnerable for energy poverty and which houses have a bad energy label for instance. Then the question is: How to help? With which intervention? What digitization solutions are there? Smart meters? apps? Think along!

A sustainable and responsible vision of digitization - Amsterdam Economic Board
There are currently data monopolies, the digital economy is not competitive and there is a lot of e-waste and CO2 emissions that come with digitization. Reason to get started with a new initiative: embedding principles about digitization and its influence on the world in an agreement or manifesto. Under what conditions do the parties want to participate? And why wouldn't they do that?

Communication for collective energy saving measures – AMS Institute and Superworld
AMS Institute and the Green Light District are working on a project to encourage residents to collaborate when they invest in energy-saving measures. Think, for example, of joint renovations in the built environment or joint investments. How can you best communicate these options to and with residents?

Want to join? Have a question? Let’s hear it in the comments!


Amsterdam InChange's picture
Amsterdam InChange

Hoi Siem, sorry voor de late reactie. We hadden je de uitnodiging doorgestuurd. Hopelijk heb je die ook ontvangen. We hopen je op een volgende demodag te zien! Groeten, Nancy - ASC

Siem Doomernik

I'm interested in joining. Can I still register?
