Data Dilemmas: Mobility Data Top 15 Challenge

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Learn more about the 15 types of data needed for the digitalization of the mobility sector, and the challenges involved

In 2018, the national government made an agreement to contribute to the digitalization of the mobility sector, thereby supporting the sustainability and the mobility transitions. The target is to have 90% of the public data structurally in order by 2023 and to be able to offer it as open data. In this process, a “Data Top 15” were identified – that is 15 types of data that are needed to further digitize Dutch infrastructure, including parking data, logistics data, and bicycle data.

But collecting and managing these 15 data items is a time-consuming and onerous process which exposes many “data dilemmas”. During this session, we will dive into some of these dilemmas and lessons learned from the development of Data Top 15 in the Amsterdam Region. What barriers have already been overcome, and what is the roadmap for the upcoming years?

15:15 – 15:30 Walk-in
15:30 – 15:40 Welcome and introduction by Amsterdam Smart City
15:40 – 16:00 Data Top 15 approach and lessons learned by Tijmen van Heukelingen (municipality of Amsterdam/Regionaal Data Team)
16:00 – 16:10 Reflection by Indranil Bhattacharya (Co-founder and Digital Society Director at Townmaking Institute)
16:10 – 16:30 Feedback and discussion
16:30 – 17:00 Wrap-up and networking drinks

About the Data Dilemma series
Data Dilemmas is a collaboration between Amsterdam Smart City and the City of Amsterdam’s Data Lab. Three times a year we explore the possibilities for using data and new technologies to address urban and societal challenges, with a focus on responsible digitalization. The goal is to use data to make cities more safe, clean and accessible. But what happens to all the data that is collected? Which dilemmas do we encounter when we collect (personal) data to improve the city? These questions are important for everyone: governments, knowledge institutions, companies, and civil society. Amsterdam Smart City would like to explore with you which decisions are needed for responsible use of data.

This Data Dilemma's event will take place at Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam.

Register through Eventbrite

