Food Integrity Blockchained

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The 2nd edition of blockchain and food meet-ups will take place in the Posthoornkerk in Amsterdam.

There are only five blockchain applications in food being built globally today. In the last meet-up one case was discussed (organic grapes on a hyper ledger) and the second case will be presented this time. The case is from IBM with Walmart.

Blockchain is the technology behind BitCoin, the crypto currency that made a few geeks rich but is innovating the financial sector big time. And it has potential to do the same for food.

The evening will kick off with a blockchain quiz. FreedomLab will elaborate on public and private blockchains. A real food-geek is going to give her view on Food Integrity.

The Posthoorn kerk, a church in the center of Amsterdam, is the office of Global Orange. There will be integer food from IBM at the venue and GlobalOrange sponsors drinks.

18:00 Welcome - Yvo Gortemaker (Global Orange)
18:10 The Ultimate Blockchain Bitch Quiz - Marieke de Ruyter de Wildt (The F01Q)
18:45 Food Integrity - Silvia Maranci (Abinish)
19:00 Public and private Blockchains - Arief Huhn (The Freedom Lab)
20:00 Case 2: Food safety and Walmart - Louis de Bruin (IBM)

Come and find out more about the use of block chain in food integrity. You are welcome to bring your friend, supplier, supermarket and lets revolutionize food.

