A new online platform for reflection and exchange on how culture and creativity can thrive in cities in an open and inclusive way.
Confirmed speakers:
- Elizabeth Currid-Halkett (Chair in Urban and Regional Planning and professor of public policy at the Price School, recent book The Sum of Small Things. A Theory of the Aspirational Class)
- Tim Verlaan (assistant professor, Urban History, University of Amsterdam, recent book De ruimtemakers. Projectontwikkelaars en de Nederlandse binnenstad 1950-1980)
- Roel Griffioen, (journalist/PhD researcher, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Ghent University, recent book De Frontlinie: Bestaansonzekerheid en gentrificatie in de Creatieve Stad)
- Panel discussion chaired by Marielle Hendriks of De Boekmanstichting, including representatives from local arts, culture, and creative industries (Vera de Jong Urban Connectors and Lucas Hendricks (A-Lab).