Smart Mobility Challenge meetup - 7th June

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On the June 7th the second and last info meeting on the Smart Mobility Challenge is taking place. When you want to know more about the challenge, the 5 cases in need for solutions and to ask all your questions about the rules and the process, or for some networking, you're invited!


Fazel Pavand's picture
Fazel Pavand

Yes I visit your web page and I find that it all in Dutch,
Is it any English version available?
What is the main Challenge questions ? where I can find theme ?

Emmy Huiskamp's picture
Emmy Huiskamp

Hi Fazel, thanks for your interest. You can file your solution online. Think we can find a solution for the pitch. However, your application has to be in Dutch. Regards,

Fazel Pavand's picture
Fazel Pavand

we are from Iran and for participation we need a visa , for this reason, is there any application that we can fill it online ?
