Sustainability Network Event: Evidence from the field by Danone

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GreenBuzz regularly organizes networking events for professionals that want to make the world more sustainable. Join our next event on 6 June at CIRCL's Rooftop Bar for inspiring stories, drinks and broadening your network with professionals who are committed to make their businesses more sustainable. Tickets include a free drink!


Evidence from the field by Danone: creating a circular economy for plastics
These days we hear and read a lot about the so-called circular economy. New companies and organisation pop up almost ever day and also more and more traditional players promise to do things differently. Instead of following a traditional linear model of make, use & dispose, resources, under the new model, are kept in use as long as possible, the maximum value from them is extracted until they are recovered or regenerated at the end of each life cycle.

But how to create c circular economic cycle? And how do you create a circular economy for plastic packaging? It surely seems easier said than done.

On June 6, Feliks and Alexandra, our two speakers, will tell us first hand how they and Danone, a major international foods company, are trying to change their business models towards a circular approach that not only is sustainable economically and environmentally but also takes into account consequences for communities, workers and other potential stakeholders.

While Feliks will give us some insights into Danone's global strategy on plastics and packaging, Alex will illustrate things on the ground by telling us about an exciting innovative project in Indonesia that's about to go live.


What can you expect during this evening? Next to our speakers we will have a couple of short networking rounds, during which you have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded people. No matter whether you want to share experiences on sustainability efforts within your organisation or seek advise on your career in sustainability or a sustainability project - our event will help you find and connect with the right people! Check this video for an impression of our past events.

