Circular Economy in Cities: A Selection of Case Studies

Circular economy is a fast growing trend in municipalities around the world - but what are municipalities really doing to integrate the concept into their operations? Based on a 5 month intensive research project with my colleagues Patrick Lindner and Heather Rogers, we created a report outlining inspiring projects around the world, along with providing recommendations for municipalities to bring circular economy to their cities.

The report provides a selection of circular economy case studies with the underlying motivation to shed light on how municipalities are implementing circular economy in their cities as a source of inspiration for others. Insight is provided on 16 varying implemented actions, that municipalities have either initiated or supported. The City of Amsterdam is also included in this selection.

You can download the report via the link, or see the published article here:

Thoughts and feedback always appreciated!

1 Comment

Nancy Zikken's picture
Nancy Zikken

Great, I saw this on Facebook already! Thank you for sharing it here!
