The City of Amsterdam is on the lookout for innovators for the seventh edition of its Startup in Residence programme. This year’s programme will focus on the themes of sustainability and circularity, with the city looking for its best entrepreneurs, start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs to develop creative and innovative solutions.
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Hi Beth Massa,
Thank you for your feedback. When applying for the Startup in Residence programme you are participating in an official European Tender Process. Due to law and regulations some of the documents are obligatory. We are trying our best to make it as easy as possible for all participants to apply through our platform. Please do ask your questions and give feedback via our Q&A tool or mail. If you are able you can also join one of our information webinars. Hope to speak to you soon
Warm Regards,
The Startup in Residence Team
link to platform
link to Q&A tool
link to Webinars
I fired off a terse email. :-)
Hi Beth, thank you for sharing that insight. I am not directly related to StIR (we as Cities Today only report on the occasion as such), so I would recommend you share your feedback directly with the organisation as well. In any case, I hope your initial experience with the administrative procedures doesn't discourage you from applying eventually!
The whole process is really long. The judges can garner all the information they need from websites or the uploading of a pitch deck. This process is so labor intensive, I gave up. We're too busy. And it is a shame. Applying for these things takes so much time. You're not the only game in town. Have respect for the time investment of the startups applying (a general comment for everyone).
I have a few comments about the application process. I want to throw out hat in the ring for the wildcard submission. But I find it baffling that a competition for circularity and sustainability makes you print out a pdf on paper only to scan it digitally and submit it to the online form .