PLANHEAT and fellow European project City-zen (FP7) jointly organized a HC transition session at the Sustainable Energy Systems Conference in Delft. The session started off with a joint presentation on the main issues in the Netherlands. Find out what the panel concluded after the discussions.
The panel that followed covered a wide range of stakeholders, scales and ideas. Tjalling de Vries of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate co-moderated with Andy van den Dobbelsteen, and provided the perspective of the national government. The panel consisted of:
- Jannis van Zanten (Project leader Heating at AEB Amsterdam)
- Pauline Westendorp (Co-initiator of 02025 in Amsterdam)
- Ad van Wijk (professor of Future Energy Systems, TU Delft)
- Jan Willem van de Groep (founder of Factory Zero, co-initiator of the ‘Stroomversnelling’ coalition)
- Henri Bontenbal (senior consultant Strategy and Innovation, Stedin)
Each panel member was invited to make a five minute pitch, after which there was time for responses from both panel and audience.
The diverse nature of the panel resulted in a broad discussion on technical topics such as energy carriers (DHC, electricity, hydrogen etc) and scales (local, regional, national), but also on implementation challenges on from economic, societal and ownership perspectives. A few examples: we need more guts, citizen engagement (“don’t make it annoying, make it fun!”) and local champions (every Amsterdam neighbourhood has a volunteer energy coordinator). We need to connect traditional stakeholders with innovators, and find the balance between systems of different scales. We also have large scale solutions (hydrogen and electricity, off shore wind farms) as well as regional and local ones (building insulation, (LT)DH, hydrogen salt cavern storage, exchanging and cascading), transitional strategies (using residual heat), and finally historic examples, both of succesful transitions (from horses to cars) and local energy systems (city gas).
The consensus was that even though the challenges are complex and the right answers may differ from place to place, many technical solutions are already available for implementation, and we should start implementing some of them today rather than tomorrow.
The first round table discussion took place on 26th of June, read here the full article: <>
Read the whole article written by PLANHEAT: <>