Event tip: Kickstart Smart

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Monday, May 30, 11am at Pakhuis de Zwijger

When is the best time to take a swim in the canals? Whichroute is the healthiest to take to work? What’s the real level of noisepollution in your neighborhood? What can you do when you worry about the effectof the traffic jam in front of your house? These are all examples of questionsthat activate smart citizens to do their own research and start to takeactions.

In this second edition of the Smart Citizens Talks, we’llexplore a wide range of those actions; bottom-up and grassroots initiatives,initiated by people that care about their city. What issues do they deal with?What strategies proof to be effective? What impact can be expected? You can read more information and make a reservation here (free admission).

Smart Citizens Talks #2 aims to inspire and activatepeople to join smart citizen initiatives, or start their own.

Source: dezwijger.nl
​Photo: dezwijger.nl

