Fund to help SMEs and startups with innovative products or processes

Entrepreneurs in the province of North Holland can from now on call on the Innovation Fund North Holland. This fund provides loans to SME entrepreneurs and startups for the development of a sustainable or innovative product or process. An amount of € 21 million has been made available.

Special attention will be given to initiatives in the fields of circular economy, sustainable mobility, energy transition and health care. A loan will be granted for products or processes that are in a test phase. It is at this stage that what’s on paper has to be put into practice, for example by building a prototype.

The fund has been established by the province of North Holland, the holding companies of the University of Amsterdam and the Academic Medical Center, the Hogeschool van Amsterdam and Sanquin. These knowledge-based institutions make their knowledge available for the market and society.

The size of the loan is at least € 50,000 and has a maximum of € 300,000. On the website you can see whether a project is eligible for a loan. The application will then be assessed by an independent committee.

Source: province of North Holland

