Tell a friend or join this platform yourself in December and win!

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In the month December you can win great prizes just by registering! Amsterdam Smart City gives away books and winter-proof trees! There are almost 2000 active community members on this platform who you can meet here. So give it a shot yourself and reach out to this innovative network!

In the month December you can win great prizes just by registering! Amsterdam Smart City gives away winter-proof trees and books (Smart Cities - Anthony Townsend, Toekomst van de Stad- Zef Hemel)

You can become a member by signing up. As a member you can

  • Use the community and post a request. On this page you can ask for inspiration, ideas, or partners to transform smart concepts into actual smart city initiatives.
  • Share your best practices. Upload smart city projects and invite other team members.
  • Create posts and events in the news section which will get attention in community newsletters.

There are almost 2000 active community members on this platform who you can meet here!

Next to that, this might be really interesting for your friends and colleagues! Tell them about the possibilities of Amsterdam Smart City via an e-mail. Give them a chance to win the prizes, it is December after all...

NOTE: the winners have been picked and notified already! Thank you for joining.

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