In earlier episodes of Designing Cities for All, we have seen that design is everywhere and everything around us is designed. We have also seen that there are flaws in these designs, because what we tend to do in this world is design for the middle and forget about the margins. Wouldn’t we create and build stronger structures for everyone, when we design for the people who are actually living with the failures of our designed products, spaces, and systems?
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Digital Society School Showcase
Makers’ playground for better futures
Ever felt that spark of creativity, that urge to build something meaningful, but didn’t know where to start? Is your organisation on the path for transformation and you seek inspiration for the next step?
<strong>On January 22 (17:00 – 20:00)</strong>, dive into our Showcase where our trainee teams from the Digital Transformation Intensive Programme will exhibit their impactful work on challenges from our partners. Experience firsthand how repeated iterations and bold experimentation shaped their innovative solutions.
Beyond the exhibition, our talk show will feature inspiring speakers who pave the road for change, embracing alternative approaches to design for transformation.
Whether you’re a seasoned maker or just beginning to explore how to meaningfully use your creative potential, join our community of resilient innovators. Connect with like-minded individuals and organisations in our Clubhouse or tune in via <strong>[our YouTube channel]( "")</strong>.
So, mark your calendars and be part of this celebration of maker courage and persistence!
We have prepared an exciting programme for you:
17:00 – 17:30 Walk-in & welcome
<strong>17:30 – 18:30</strong> Talk Show
Our Talk Show will shed light on alternative approaches to design for transformation. Speakers announced in December
18:30 – 20:00 Networking & drinks
There will be plenty of opportunities to connect with the trainees, partners and the extended Digital Society School community, so don’t miss out!
Dutch Applied AI Award 2024 naar Sturgeon, UMC Utrecht en Oncode Institute
Sturgeon, het AI-initiatief van UMC Utrecht en Oncode Institute is dit jaar de winnaar van de Dutch Applied AI Award 2024. Naast deze award heeft de AI-toepassing ook de Computable Award in de categorie ‘Zorgproject’ gewonnen.
In verkorte tijd het type hersentumor bepalen met behulp van AI
Dankzij de inzet van AI kunnen neurochirurgen sneller bepalen met welk type hersentumor zij te maken hebben. De technologie vermindert de tijd die nodig is voor het stellen van een diagnose, van dagen naar ongeveer drie kwartier. Een behandelplan kan hierdoor sneller worden opgesteld. De technologie is ontwikkeld door de onderzoeksgroep van biomedicus Jeroen de Ridder van UMC Utrecht en Oncode Institute. Het algoritme dat het type hersentumor moet bepalen is getraind op miljoenen onvolledige datavoorbeelden van verschillende typen tumoren. Sturgeon is publiek beschikbaar en het wordt inmiddels ook ingezet in het Máxima Kinderziekenhuis voor het diagnosticeren van kinderkanker.
Jury prijst complexiteit van de technologie
De jury van de Dutch Applied AI Award heeft bewondering voor de toepassing. “Dit jaar een AI-toepassing in de medische sector, in het bijzonder voor de snelle herkenning van hersentumoren, wat voor zowel patiënt als chirurg een enorme impact heeft. Ze waren met de technologie van Sturgeon in staat om een model te ontwikkelen dat uit een minimale hoeveelheid pixels een accurate diagnose kan stellen, en dat in ongeveer drie kwartier tijd”. Aldus Nanda Piersma, jurylid van de Dutch Applied AI Award.
Het is de vijfde keer dat de Dutch Applied AI Award werd uitgereikt. Dit jaar in de jury:
· Nanda Piersma (Hogeschool van Amsterdam)
· Anouk Dutreé (De Dataloog & UbiOps)
· Omar Niamut (Hogeschool van Amsterdam & TNO)
· Maaike Harbers (Hogeschool Rotterdam)
· Jann de Waal (Topsector Creatieve Industrie)
· Sander Hulsman (Jaarbeurs Utrecht)
Over de Dutch Applied AI Award
Research Interviews Request for PhD Dissertation!
My name is Pınar Ebe-Güzgü, a PhD student at İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Turkey, currently conducting research at the University of Twente. My doctoral research focuses on social justice and disadvantaged groups in the context of smart city applications, with a particular emphasis on the mobility of elderly people (defined by WHO as people over the age of 65).
As part of my research, I conduct in-depth interviews with residents (aged 65+) of Amsterdam, caretakers of elderly individuals, and those working on (or with expertise in) smart city initiatives. The goal is to explore the mobility experiences of 65+ people in Amsterdam and develop policy recommendations to enhance social justice in urban management.
If you would like to share your experiences, your participation in this research would be invaluable. All interviews will be conducted at a time and format that suits you.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Your insights will greatly contribute to our understanding of how smart city applications impact the mobility and quality of life of older individuals.
If you are interested in participating, please reach out to me via the email address below:
Best regards,
Pınar Ebe-Güzgü