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Digital Society School Showcase
Makers’ playground for better futures
Ever felt that spark of creativity, that urge to build something meaningful, but didn’t know where to start? Is your organisation on the path for transformation and you seek inspiration for the next step?
<strong>On January 22 (17:00 – 20:00)</strong>, dive into our Showcase where our trainee teams from the Digital Transformation Intensive Programme will exhibit their impactful work on challenges from our partners. Experience firsthand how repeated iterations and bold experimentation shaped their innovative solutions.
Beyond the exhibition, our talk show will feature inspiring speakers who pave the road for change, embracing alternative approaches to design for transformation.
Whether you’re a seasoned maker or just beginning to explore how to meaningfully use your creative potential, join our community of resilient innovators. Connect with like-minded individuals and organisations in our Clubhouse or tune in via <strong>[our YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/live/Swkf13n32aA?feature=shared "https://www.youtube.com/live/Swkf13n32aA?feature=shared")</strong>.
So, mark your calendars and be part of this celebration of maker courage and persistence!
We have prepared an exciting programme for you:
17:00 – 17:30 Walk-in & welcome
<strong>17:30 – 18:30</strong> Talk Show
Our Talk Show will shed light on alternative approaches to design for transformation. Speakers announced in December
18:30 – 20:00 Networking & drinks
There will be plenty of opportunities to connect with the trainees, partners and the extended Digital Society School community, so don’t miss out!
Waag Open: Expeditie DNA Digitaal
Nog nooit was het zo makkelijk om je DNA te laten testen, op afkomst, verwantschap en op gezondheid. Je staat daarbij je meest persoonlijke data af, zonder controle te hebben over wat er met die gegevens gebeurd. Gelukkig kan het digitaliseren van DNA binnenkort ook anders - op zo’n manier dat we een bruikbare database voor de samenleving bouwen, terwijl jij controle over je eigen data behoudt. Tijdens Waag Open op donderdag 12 december duiken we in de waarde en in de risico’s van een digitale DNA databank. Maak kennis met de eerste testpersonen en ontwerp zelf mee!
Kijk voor meer informatie op waag.org.
Datum: Donderdag 12 december
Tijd: 19:30 - 22:00 uur
Locatie: Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam
Waag Open
Elke eerste donderdagavond van de maand opent Waag haar deuren! Kom langs om te discussiëren en te doen. Want we gaan niet alleen in discussie over maatschappelijke thema's en de toekomst – je leert daarnaast ook altijd iets praktisch. Iets dat je altijd al hebt willen uitproberen, zoals de 3D-printer in het FabLab, of juist iets dat je nooit had verwacht, zoals uitpluizen hoe DNA in elkaar zit in ons biotech-lab. Waag Open vindt plaats in de maakplaatsen op de eerste en tweede verdieping van het historische Waaggebouw op de Nieuwmarkt.
Looking for Internship Opportunities in Circular Economy – 6 Months
I am a Master’s student at The Glasgow School of Art, specializing in Innovation Design and Circular Economy. Originally from Austria, I am very interested in gaining practical experience through a six-month internship in Amsterdam, a city known for its pioneering efforts in Circular Economy.
My goal is to build professional experience in this field and, ideally, to bring this knowledge back to Austria to help advance sustainable practices there.
For my Master’s thesis, I focused on the fashion industry, particularly on how the textile sector in Scotland can transition to a circular model, with a primary focus on my main stakeholder, <em>Johnston of Elgin</em>.
I would be very grateful to discuss any potential internship opportunities you might have. Please feel free to reach out to me!
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Best regards,