Video: Cooling with drinking water (Sanquin and Waternet)

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This animation shows the cooling system of Sanquin and Waternet. The system has been realized in the context of the City-zen project. An innovative cooling system has been realized which allows both Sanquin and the end-users of the drinking water to benefit from it. The project is subsidized by the European Commission by participating in the City-zen project, a consortium of multiple partners who realize innovative demonstration projects.



Hi Sami,
Thanks for your comment. You could send an e-mail to with your details and you can direct it to myself: Arne Dijkstra and Jordy Pedd, Sanquin.
Regards, Arne Dijkstra

Sami Erpo's picture
Sami Erpo

Great initiative.
Who would the right person to discuss more on the project details? I would appreciate to learn more.
Regards, Sami Erpo

Annelies Van der Stoep's picture
Annelies Van der Stoep

@rubybijman0 @arnedijkstra nice! Let’s share this on the City-zen site too!
