We can't wait for the innovation festival WeMakeThe.City to start! Now look at this fantastic magazine for some highlights of the program and background articles, covered in beautiful designs!
> https://issuu.com/wemakethecity/docs/wmtc_programmaboek_final_screen_pag
In case you don't want to miss any smart city programs, find all the programs within this theme here: https://wemakethe.city/nl/programma/the-smart-city
More specifically we would like to share with you our special edition innovation tour. It is the launch of our app, which will be in continuous development. You can see it as one of the first people, and give your input as well. So this is your chance to open your horizon on innovations in Amsterdam!
See you there!
Friday tour (English) 14:00
sign up here: https://amsterdamsmartcity.com/events/innovation-tour--open-house
Saturday tour (Nederlands) 11:00
sign up here: https://amsterdamsmartcity.com/events/we-make-the-city--innovatietour-speciale-editie
Saturday Workshop (Nederlands) 13:00
sign up here: https://amsterdamsmartcity.com/events/smart-city-workshop