We Proudly Present Our Partners: Part #9 Waag

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In June we kicked off a new phase of Amsterdam Smart City. More partners than ever are pooling their networks, knowledge and skills. Who are they? We will present some of them one by one. Waag: 'Amsterdam should be an innovative frontrunner with a focus on the ethical and principled development of smart city technology.'

What is the main reason for you to join the open collective Amsterdam Smart City?

Waag joined the Amsterdam Smart City collective because we believe that inclusive and open innovation only can happen with cooperation between all stakeholders involved, with an important role reserved for the citizen. Waag represents a critical, but constructive voice in the development of a smart and shared Amsterdam.

What is your ambition for the city and the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area?

Waag wants Amsterdam to be an innovative frontrunner with a special focus on ethical and principled development of new smart city technology. Innovative technology should serve the citizens of Amsterdam. According to the "Amsterdam Approach”, we want to create educated, involved and empowered citizens and involve these citizens in the development of smart city solutions.

What do you think is the biggest challenge for the city and the region in the future?

Waag wants to give back control to the citizens, and give them the tools to manage their environment, personal data and privacy in the development of city of the future.

How do you see the role of the residents and citizens in your plans?

The residents of Amsterdam play an pivotal and essential role in our approach to innovation. Through co-creation, we invite citizens to give input, create, and lend their expertise for the development of open, fair and inclusive technology.

What do you hope to work on in the upcoming years?

In the context of the Smart City Waag is active with several projects on a broad spectrum of topics, such as personal data ownership (DECODE), citizen science (Amsterdam Smart Citizen Lab), maker education (Maakplaats 021), commons (Chamber of Commons), and much more.

