100.000 Energy Neutral Homes

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How do we get from the current situation, with badly insulated houses, to a future with homes without fossile fuels?





What is the goal of the project?

Amsterdam is cutting off natural gas. This has major consequences for all its residents and homeowners. How do we get from the current situation, with badly insulated houses, to a future with homes without fossile fuels? The costs are high and the decisions are many. What are the best options to pursue? What do we need in terms of scale, innovation, knowledge and community engagement to get to 100.000 energieneutral homes?

What is the result of the project?

By working collectively on this issue, Amsterdam Smart City aims to establish an effective collaboration that results in the development of scalable, costeffective building designs that answer to the needs of our residents. We start with the most frequently found housing types. From there we involve a neighbourhood where these housing types are abundant. Together with the residents, the homeowners and professionals we then investigate how to transform these houses in energy neutral homes and translate that into a feasible design.

When we succeed, the resulting building design allow us to ask the following question: how many similar houses do we need to cut costs as to eventually realize 100.000 energy neutral homes?

Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?

This project is initiated as a moonshot by Amsterdam Smart City


Nancy Zikken's picture
Nancy Zikken

@jeroenwijnen is this last question from Markus interesting for DGO?

Markus Schmid's picture
Markus Schmid

Hi Melchior,
I'm working on a project here at WISE that includes organizing events with citizens / house owners / tenants. We'd like to start with a couple of sessions after the summer. The central issue would be: cutting off natural gas: how do you do that? Is it doable and where to start? Right now I'm looking for all kinds of partners. Maybe you can connect me to others who are doing work in the same field? That would be great! Greetings, Markus

Melchior Kanyemesha's picture
Melchior Kanyemesha

@beatebouwman Sounds great, I'd love to hear more about that. Let's grab a cup of coffee soon!

Beate Bouwman's picture
Beate Bouwman

We've done that: all-electric, circular materials and system, self-sufficient (scalable due to industrialized and fully engineered) housing of high quality against low costs (rent). A platform and the urban living room enables on- and offline connections. We are now in development of the first projects (and have just started the production process ) among which one is in Amsterdam. If you are interested in visiting the prototype at The Green Village on the campus of the TU Delft, be welcome. www.woodyshousing.com
