several projects in which we learn how to create safe and solid fundaments for a smart digital city supporting the smart society
DI020: Fundament Digital City <<Digitaal Wegennet Amsterdam & voorzieningen als gedragsregels en openbaar register>>>

What is the goal of the project?
issue: unauthorized access to the digital smart city, damaging person, company and/or society.
How: create safe and solid fundaments for a smart digital city supporting the smart society.
What is the result of the project?
safe and solid fundaments for a smart digital city supporting the smart society
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
Alliander, Amsterdam Arena, Havenbedrijf Amsterdam, gemeente Amsterdam (o.a. CTO, CIO, dienst Metro en Tram), politie, Vervoersregio, Waternet
What is the next step?
several projects in which we learn how to create safe and solid fundaments for a smart digital city supporting the smart society
What can other cities learn from your project?
How to an dhow not to create safe and solid fundaments for a smart digital city supporting the smart society