EyeBeacons: Wayfinding in Public Spaces

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Navigating from A to B is an essential part of our daily lives.
Unknown routes, busy places and unexpected obstacles are a big challenge for everyone, regardless of what your eyesight is. For people with a visual impairment, this process is primarily a task because they have limited use of spatial orientation and directions in the environment. The EyeBeacons project investigated how new technologies can support people with a visual impairment when navigating through the city.

For more information you can get in contact with Joey van der Bie, researcher at the Digital Life Centre of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Follow this link for further details.

What is the goal of the project?

The goal of this research project EyeBeacons is to improve the mobility of the target audience: people with a visual impairment.

What is the result of the project?

Important results are a demo smartphone and smartwatch app, which helps prepare the trip, can provide extensive navigation instructions and can provide information about the area.

Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?

This research was initiated by Joey van der Bie from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, research group Digital Life Centre. There was close collaboration with the target group and professionals from Visio, Bartiméus, HAN and Info.nl

What is the next step?

The aim is to scale-up this project by enhancing the exposure and applications of the EyeBeacons smartphone and smartwatch app in Amsterdam but also in other municipalities in the Netherlands and abroad.

What can other cities learn from your project?

Other cities must be aware that the results and implementation of EyeBeacons are necessary for the mobility of Visually Impaired People. During the research we learned that other existing navigation apps can offer people extra support when navigating through the public space, but unfortunately still fall short.


